Search for courses in ITE

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  • HQITE Headquarters
  • CCITE College Central
  • CEITE College East
  • CWITE College West
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CoC in AI Fundamentals Using Nvidia Jetson Nano

Duration: 14 hours

Course Type: Part-time


  • CC

The course equips learners with the knowledge and skills to acquire image data and use it to train, optimise, and deploy AI models for work applications using an affordable AI platform. Learners are also guided on the industry standards of Machine Learning through a series of curated resources.

CoC in Air Navigation (101 – Unmanned Aircraft Operations) Regulations

Duration: 7 hours

Course Type: Part-time


  • CC

This course prepares participants for the CAAS UAPL theory test. Upon completion of this course, participant can register for CAAS Unmanned Aircraft Pilot Licence (UAPL) theory examination and apply for a UA pilot licence with CAAS.

CoC in Applied Design Thinking (Experience Fundamentals)

Duration: 14 hours

Course Type: Part-time


  • CC

You will be equipped with practical hands-on skills to be an innovation catalyst in the workplace using Design Thinking as a creative problem solving methodology.

CoC in Applied Design Thinking (Understand Fundamentals)

Duration: 7 hours

Course Type: Part-time


  • CC

You will learn the fundamentals of Design Thinking and the experience of using a Design Thinking tool.

CoC in Architectural BIM

Duration: 15 hours

Course Type: Part-time


  • CC

You will learn the skills and technical knowledge to create BIM (Building Information Modelling) Model using Revit Architecture. You will be introduced to basic Revit techniques, tools and commands; fundamental Revit modelling skills to produce an industry-standard Revit model.

CoC in Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Urban Mobility

Duration: 16 hours

Course Type: Part-time


  • CC

This course aims to provide participants with the skills and knowledge to write and deploy program scripts in Python language for navigating a mini programmable car through different tracks such as lane line identification, signal sign recognition, pedestrian detection and obstacle avoidance using Artificial Intelligence (AI). The use of colour, photoelectric, and laser sensors and configurations would also be covered.

CoC in Building Information Modelling: 3D Modelling

Duration: 30 hours

Course Type: Part-time


  • CC

You will learn to create simple 3D model for a 2-storey building.

CoC in Building Information Modelling: Engineering Graphics

Duration: 30 hours

Course Type: Part-time


  • CC

You will be equipped with skills and knowledge of Engineering Drawing and Design in creating simple 2D drawings and 3D building model.

CoC in Class A (Helicopter) Unmanned Aircraft Pilot Licence

Duration: 7 hours

Course Type: Part-time


  • CC

This course certifies participants for the CAAS Unmanned Aircraft Pilot Licence (UAPL) practical examination. Upon completion of this course, participants can apply for a CAAS Class A (Rotorcraft) UA pilot licence with CAAS upon meeting the CAAS UA pilot licence requirements.

CoC in Class A (Multi-rotor) Unmanned Aircraft Pilot Licence (7 to 25 Kg)

Duration: 7 hours

Course Type: Part-time


  • CC

This course certifies participants for the CAAS Unmanned Aircraft Pilot Licence (UAPL) practical examination. Upon completion of this course, participants can apply for a CAAS Class A (Rotorcraft) UA pilot licence limited to multi-rotor UA up to 25 kg only with CAAS upon meeting the CAAS UA pilot licence requirements.