Overseas Exposure Programme (OEP)

The Overseas Exposure Programm (OEP) under the Global Citizenship track, seeks to provide students with exciting opportunities to develop a global perspective and acquire the necessary competencies and life skills through overseas experience. The holistic and quality global education experience prepares our students to be ‘world-ready’ graduates with the skillsets for today’s international and multicultural environments.

4 Overseas Experiential Programmes

  • Overseas Industrial Attachment Programme (OIAP)

    Under the OIAP, students are attached to companies for a short working stint to expose them to work in different cultures and environment, and enhance their readiness to work upon graduation.

  • Overseas Student Exchange Programme (OSEP)

    The OSEP opens opportunities for students to attend classes in overseas institutions and earn credits towards their certification

  • Overseas Services & Development Programme (OSDP) – Community Service

    The OSDP Community Service provides students with skills-building opportunities through volunteer work. Students undertake community service projects and learn to problem solve as compassionate global citizens.

  • Overseas Services & Development Programme (OSDP) – Development
    Exposure under the OSDP – Development opens doors for students to take part in overseas competitions, seminars, conferences and leadership programmes to hone their skills, competencies and character.

Join an exciting CCA at ITE College Central!


Embark on a boundless journey of self-discovery at ITE College Central. Join the vibrant and dynamic college life!

Be it releasing your creative juices, unleashing your inner talent, developing your potential or simply to pique an interest in a new area, there are plenty of opportunities that await you.

Choose from over 90 CCAs from 7 development tracks - Arts, Community Service, Environment, Global Citizenship, Innovation & Enterprise, Leadership, Personal Development and Sports.

Our CCA Success Stories

Find out more about how being in a CCA helps develop you as a person and a leader through the stories of our alumni!

AVP Management Club
(Audio Visual Production Management Club)

If you are keen to know how live concerts and performances are produced, join the AVPM Club. Be part of the exciting crew supporting Audio Visual & Stage Management Services during College Central's vibrant activities. With the exciting involvement at various events within the College, you get to expand your social network and develop leadership. Furthermore, the hands-on exposure and opportunities allow you explore a career in Entertainment & Event Management Industry.

Follow us on Instagram: @avpmclub

Batidas Centro (Brazilian Percussion)

ITE College Central's very own Brazilian Percussion Team with active members and alumni from amateurs to professionals, we are all about creating a distinctive Brazilian sound with an emphasis on creativity, teamwork, and leadership!

Follow us on Instagram: @batidascentro

Campus Radio

Campus Radio endeavours to become a dynamic, vibrant and fun radio station in ITE College Central. As a student-run organisation, Campus Radio produces professional quality, diversified radio programming for ITE College Central through operating within the established mission of ITE.

Follow us on Instagram: @campus_radiocc

Central Breakers (Bboy/ Girl)

Central Breakers is the BBboy/BGirl CCA of Central. It aims to expose the culture of Hip-Hop to ITE CC and to the public as an important form of movement that emphasizes on a balance of Knowledge and Fun. The CCA also aims to provide training for the body and the mind through dance. No prior experience needed.

Follow us on Instagram: @centralbreakers

Central Independent Music Club
(Various Genres)

A platform for musicians to exhibit their creativity, originality and uniqueness through music. Central Independent Musicians Club (CIMC) offers a great conducive environment for every individual to grow. We focus on letting our musicians create their very own original content and allowing their minds to roam free and explore all the possibilities in music. Apart from that, we are a family with the same passion and goal - to perform and create.

Follow us on Instagram: @official_cimc

Central KPOP Dance (CKD)

A dynamic CCA for like-minded individuals keen in KPOP and different genres of dance. The team has developed a strong team of student and alumni choreographers.

Follow us on Instagram: @ckd_ite

Central Music Club (Pop, Soft Rock and Acoustic)

Central Pop is part of the Central Music Club and consists of a full acoustic band and stable vocalists. Their repertoire ranges from pop, soft rock to jazz and Latin beats! Central Acoustic is a popular choice for many internal and corporate events. 

Follow us on Instagram: @centralmusicclub

Dikir Barat Club

Dikir Barat Central’s aim is to expose and develop students in the traditional Malay culture and arts scene, particularly Dikir Barat, where it has traditionally been a platform for providing guidance and moral values of the Malay culture. Students will learn the importance of teamwork, coordination, resilience, discipline and leadership. Our girls' team is the current reigning PSS overall Girls champion and our individual musicians, vocalists and chorus for both teams have had much success over the years at the PSS competitions.

Follow us on Instagram:  @ardiarjunaa (Boys Team) / @4rdwinda  (Girls Team)

Film Appreciation Club

The club screens critically acclaimed short films and movies from various countries and consequently engages members in critical analysis and open discussions to develop a greater critical appreciation for films. Students also develop an in-depth sense of story development, dramatic evolution and gain an insight to the craft behind film-making. Members are given the opportunity to develop these skills in hope that they can use them for their own film-making projects.

Guitar Club

Listening to music is enjoyable...but making music is more exciting and satisfying! Experience the happiness and achievement when you can play and sing or a chance to show off your talent at gatherings and events. So why not join us and be an aspiring star!

Follow us on Instagram: @itecc_guitarclub

Le Host (Emcee Club)

If you want to build self-confidence, host school and external events and make lots of new friends...then this is a club for YOU!!

Join us for some fun and exciting training sessions where you will learn the right skills and techniques to deliver powerful formal and informal presentations.

Follow us on Instagram: @itecclehost

Lion Dance

Want to be involved with a traditional art form while building your body up physically? Join the ITE College Central Lion Dance Club and be part of a long established tradition of Chinese culture. Members will be put through a set of physical exercises to condition them for the basic stunts that are required for lion dancing. They would also be taught how to manoeuvre the lion head to portray various emotions as well as how to play the drum and the cymbals, which are an integral part of Fatt Shan lion dancing.

Follow us on Instagram:  @ite_cc_liondance

Malay Dance (Trai’irat)

Students will be exposed to various type of traditional dances as well as contemporary dance. Tra'irat focuses on artistic excellence and promoting creativity amidst the evolving Malay dance culture.

Follow us on Instagram: @tra.irat

Media Makers Club

A club for aspiring media content creators to hone their skills and get exposure by participating in pre-production, production and post-production. Members learn the basics of framing and composition, and to tell stories through photos.

Follow us on Instagram: @mediamakersclub

Photography Club

Members will be trained in Basic & Advanced Photography skills. In addition, field trips will also be organised for members to pick up hands-on photography skills.

Follow us on Instagram: @iteccphotographyclub

PLAYART (Visual Arts Club)

Activities include - Mixed Media Drawing and Painting (acrylic, watercolour, ink), Mosaic Art, Pottery, Batik Painting, Shoes/ T-shirt Painting, Print Making, Paper Cutting and many more.


  • Learn different art forms
  • Opportunity to work on major projects and contribute to the art pieces around campus
  • Create souvenirs for VIPs visiting ITE and showcases during art exhibitions.
  • Unleash creativity, explore designing skills, develop patience, build team-spirit and improve confidence level
  • Make many new friends and have heaps of fun!
Urban Central Statements (Hip Hop Dance)

Urban Central Statements (UCS) is ITE College Central's Hip Hop Dance team, a dance family which strongly believes in using dance to make a statement. UCS has developed many amateur and professional student and alumni choreographers and has a repertoire that includes Lyrical Hip Hop, Street Jazz, BBoy, Locking etc.

Follow us on Instagram: @urbancentralstatements

ITE Concert Band

Formed in February 2005, the ITE Concert Band is managed by ITE's Centre for Music and The Arts. The band’s mission is to promote symphonic music and to inspire musicians to strive towards artistic excellence. Every year, the band draws on fresh talents from the 3 ITE colleges, with the vision to be a recognised band that plays quality band repertoire. The band has represented ITE in numerous events, including both local and overseas competitions. The most recent achievement of the band is their Silver Award at the Malaysia International Virtual Band Championship (MIVBC) 2022. The highlight of the band’s activities is Musica Fantasia - the band’s annual concert series.

Follow us on Instagram: @iteconcertband

ITE Modern Dance

The group is the only dance team in ITE that explores the contemporary and jazz genre. They have performed at the annual ITE Dance Emblazon productions, and have gone overseas to perform, representing ITE in Hong Kong at the International Students' Seminar. 

Follow us on Instagram: @itemoderndance

ITE Show Choir

ITE Show Choir is known for their high-quality and inspiring performances, representing ITE and Singapore on international and national stages. Excelling in both singing and dancing, the team has competed at the Busan Choral Festival and Competition (South Korea) and performed at national events such as Mediacorp’s Countdown, Esplanade’s Voices Festival and Asia’s Got Talent Grand Finals.

Follow us on Instagram: @ite.showchoir

ITE That Acapella Group

Producing music with only the human voice, ITE's That Acappella Group (TAG) has been entertaining audiences with their lively pop and EDM covers. The team has won the National A Cappella Championships for many years and received a Gold Diploma at the Busan Choral Festival and Competition 2022 (Pop/Acappella Category) in South Korea. Representing ITE and Singapore on national platforms, the team has sung at the F1 Grand Prix Finals 2015 and at Esplanade’s Voices Festival.

Follow us on Instagram: @itethatacappellagroup

ITE Theatrical Ensemble

ITE's Theatrical Ensemble (TE) is the drama wing of CeMTA. Since 2012, we have been actively creating works that talk about issues that we feel strongly for. Every year, we create 2 productions, 'Seasons' and 'Chapters', either producing original works or renowned scripts (both local and international). We aim to represent young adults and those who do not have the platform to be heard. Our motto is 'To Create & Have Fun!'. 

Follow us on Instagram: @theatricalensemble

Buddy-In (Befriending)

Buddy-In is a perfect platform for students to forge sincere friendships with a shared mission of reaching out to youths who need companionship and inspire others to be equally inclusive in society. Buddy-In is perfect for those who are empathetic and love helping others!

Care & Repair Club 

The Care & Repair Club contributes to the community through hands-on skills and activities that include caring for needy elderly and families in the community through conducting home repairs and installations in their homes. Students learn how to handle power tools and hand tools to carry out these home improvements. Through these service-learning activities, the club inculcates a caring and compassionate attitude in our students to become socially responsible youths.

Community Service Club
The Community Service Club (CSC) in ITECC is seeking to contribute and work with more charities and community partners.

Compassion for others is key when we volunteer and serve the community. In CSC, we strive to nurture this compassion for the greater good for all in ITE and beyond.

Some of our partnering organisations include Lion Befrienders, AWWA, Sun Love Home and Comnet Senior Services. We celebrate festive seasons with the seniors in the Homes and Senior Activity Centres. We learn to connect with them through performances, singalong, craft-making and more. We also have children programmes for the under privileged student care centres. CSC is also an active partner in the Purple Parade Movement.

Follow us on Instagram:

Rotaract Club
Rotaract is a Rotary-sponsored service, leadership and community service organisation for young men and women. The purpose of Rotaract is to provide an opportunity for young men and women to enhance the knowledge and skills that will assist them in personal development, to address the physical and social needs of their communities and to promote better relations through fellowship. The program gives young people an opportunity to participate in fun, meaningful service projects while developing leadership skills and meeting new friends.

Follow us on Instagram: 
ECO Club

The ECO Club aims to promote an awareness of the environment through creative and innovative projects. Students will be able to appreciate the environment they live in, and be exposed to matters related to green environment, such as green Singapore, global warming, energy saving and many other related matters.

With this aim, we would like to motivate our students to put on their thinking cap to generate creative ideas to save the environment through the common motto; Recycle, Reuse & Reduce. We also hope that through their efforts in projects and participations in various activities, the students would be aware and appreciate the current world situation and issues raised by the various governments of the world.

The Club also hopes to help spread the message to other students and create a better environment for the college, the nation and even the world.

Greenery Ambassador Club

To help promote a Green Singapore, members will be given the opportunity to visit the various places of interest such as Tree Top Walk, NEWater, Marina Barrage, etc. Members also learn to make terrariums, maintain community gardens and participate in recycling campaigns and competitions.

Follow us on Instagram: @iteccgac

3D Printing Club

​The club aims to provide the opportunities for students to acquire knowledge and skills about 3D printing technology. They will be given the essential skills in creating 3D models using design software, then translating the CAD models into various print formats and operating the 3D printers to build the physical models.

Aero Design Club 

Our club hopes to cultivate the values of self-discipline, patience, hands-on skills and attention to detail through aircraft scale modeling. In terms of knowledge, they are able to identify and learn the different functionality of aircraft parts. Students are also able to learn different skillsets.

AI and Automation Club

​AI & Automation club was set up in 2021 with the aim of cultivating student's interest in AI and Automation and to innovate solutions for daily problems. Students will be able to gain better understanding of AI technology which is already present in our daily lives. Members of the club will learn basic coding operations, machine learning and hardware connection skills and knowledge. Students will apply code deployment on various microprocessors and hardware control which incorporate AI and automation processes. We are providing a platform for students who are interested in Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications to do hands-on activities to better appreciate and keep up-to-date with the innovative applications of machine learning and AI. Students will also have a chance to display their innovation and creativity to provide out of the box solutions to improve our daily lives with AI through participating in various competitions.

Cyber Games Club 

A competitive gaming club to train potential gamers to represent ITE for National or International Cybergaming Competitions, such as NEGC, World Cyber Games competition.

Student will also learn how to be a healthy gamer through healthy gaming practices. This club is partnered and supported by various local game distributors such as Garena, TT eSports, AsiaSoft & IAH Games

Drone Soccer 

Drone Soccer is a fast-growing and futuristic air sport that takes traditional football to a whole new level using just drones to score goals. The game involves elements from both drone maneuvering skills and soccer strategy, battling for supremacy in the air and on the ground.

At the club, we aim to inspire youth and the young-at-heart about STEM. Students will control and navigate high performance drones in an enclosed soccer arena. At the same time, the club will actively conduct training activities that promote critical thinking and decision-making skills. Drone Soccer Club also takes pride in cultivating a strong sense of teamwork, strategic thinking, and sportsmanship through the team-based nature of Drone Soccer.

Entrepreneurship Club 

ENTClub believes in cultivating a safe, fun and enriching environment for our members to grow together. Club activities include collaborative projects with external organisations, entrepreneurship competitions, entrepreneurship programmes, overseas programmes and operating entrepreneurship booths at major College and external events.

Follow us on Instagram: @itecc.entc

Epitome Club 

Epitome members are able to build entrepreneurship skills in a genuine Retail environment. Members also gain hands-on experience on merchandising ITE products, customer service and even get a change to assist Epitome Management in administration and supervisory duties.  Epitome showcases the best capabilities, products and services across the 3 ITE colleges!

Follow us on Instagram: @epitome_mall

HR Club

Keen to learn more about Human Resource and its role in a workplace? Join the ITE College Central HR Club and be part of the many exciting activities that will empower students in training, self-development and career opportunities.

Investment Club 

This club aims to equip students with a basic understanding of finance and investments via learning sessions, talks by industry leaders, finance-related board games and competitions. We also let our students experience real-life investing via simulated programmes.

Follow us on Instagram:  @iteccinvestmentclub 

Robotics Club 

The Robotics Club was set up in 2013 and aims to expose students to Robotics Technology through the use of the latest Lego Mindstorms EV3 robotics kit. Members of the club will learn to design, construct and program the robots to perform specific set of tasks and instructions. They will also be given ample opportunities to further develop their potential by applying the acquired skills and knowledge on a variety of competitions at national level. Through competitions, students will learn to adopt a think out of the box mindset, enhance their leadership skills and teamwork and develop a CAN DO attitude to achieve the given objectives.

Bridge Leaders
The Bridge Leaders (BLs) is a group of Student Leaders nominated by their Class Advisors to support ITE College Central in:  
  • Helping NEW students to begin their academic journey in ITE.
  • Providing Peer Support to on-going students who need help in personal, social and emotional support in adapting to College’s environment and ITE system
  • Organising & supporting College-wide events e.g. CC Graduation Ceremony, ITE Partners’ Appreciation Event, CC National Day celebration, etc.

Through the organisation and networking opportunities, BLs will have many opportunities to display effective communication and interpersonal skills as well as build relationships within teams. BLs can also discover their leadership potential as they plan big scale events from scratch and execute these with teammates.

Students interested to join Bridge Leaders (BL) can approach their Class Advisors to nominate them to attend an interview selection.

Follow us on Instagram:

@sbsblc_  (Business) / @iteccsdmbl (Design & Media) / @sengbl_itecc (Engineering) / @iteccseitbl (Electronics and Info-Tech)

Peer Support Leaders

Peer Support Leaders are a group of students who serve the school in providing valuable peer-to-peer support to allow timely interventions. Leaders are individuals with good character and the heart to serve others. They will work closely with the student counsellors in advocating for and creating a more caring and supportive school community.

Note: Students interested can inform their Class Advisors or sign-up voluntarily during recruitment periods. More info can be found on our social media page.

Follow us on Instagram:  @iteccpeersupportleaders

Student Council

The Student Council represents the student body in the college and serves as a bridge between the students and College Management.

We are keen to discover potential talents for the Student Council (SC) which provides personal development, exposure and training in leadership, as well as opportunities to serve and lead at school, college and even national events. Through the planning and organising of projects such as Anti-Drug awareness carnivals and sports meets, students can also further develop in character, communication and interpersonal skills. We cultivate your ideas and voice, forging friendships and serving others as we lead!

Note: Applicants will require a recommendation by the Class Advisor, before undergoing a selection interview.

Follow us on Instagram: @itecc_studentcouncil

Student Icons
We are a fun and interactive Student Leader CCA that specializes in reaching out to potential ITE students as well as members of the public through hosting secondary student visitors around the campus, and creating social media content for
@itecollegecentral so that people will know the happenings and events of the school! This CCA gives us the opportunity to host and film videos during school events and post them on the College Central Instagram IGTV. We also attend leadership workshops, have exposure to nation-wide events like National Day Rally / Investiture, volunteer at overseas YEP projects and also have fun team bonding sessions to places like Superpark or Rock Climbing! In addition, we work closely with the other leadership CCAs like Student Council and Bridge Leaders for events and activities.

Through this CCA, you can make new friends and expand your social circles, network with other student leaders and gain leadership skills like problem-solving, communication skills and boost your confidence!

Follow us on Instagram: @iteccstudenticons
#Happiness Movement Club
Be Happy, Be Yourself, Be the Cheer.

Learn techniques and tips to be mindful.
Do hands-on-activities to help from Mind-Full to Mind-Lessness
Experience mindfulness through breathing, walking and in being YOU!
Spread your good vibes and be part of the movement!

Join us! Spread the good and happy vibes in meaningful ways, which makes an impact on each other. Let’s create together.

Follow us on Instagram: @happinessmovementclub

Architectural Club

The Architecture club is an exclusive setup since May 2021, for students who are interested in Architecture.

We aim to:

  • Promote architecture as the stage set and context for our lives - Through education such as photo exhibitions, model making
  • Enhance appreciation of architectural design - Through tours and sharing
  • Provide network opportunities between students, alumni and industry - Through talks and exchanges

Follow us on Instagram:

Balloon Sculpting Club 

Learn Balloon Twisting as a fun and relaxing hobby - from simple animal designs to balloon dresses and balloon arches.

Follow us on Instagram: @balloonsculptingitecc

Blaster Lab

​​​​​​​The objective of this CCA club is to engage club members in the field of foam dart blaster research, design and application. They will get firsthand exposures to current design trends in this industry. They will have the opportunity to learn about designing and producing blaster and accessories in the areas of electronic and mechanical structures.

This club will participate in local marksmanship competitions and organize team bonding games.

Follow us on Instagram: @blasterlabcc

Board Games Club 

Mission: To unite community and communication.

Vision: To indulge and promote interaction and healthy gaming.

Boys’ Brigade (BB) ITE Central Primers

The PRIMERS is a structured post-secondary school programme administered by the Boys’ Brigade in Singapore. It offers a diverse range of fun experiences, from adventure expeditions to leadership development, as well as community service. The ITE Central PRIMERS is open to all MALEs & FEMALEs, ages 17 to 20, first CCA, with or without BB background.

Our ITECC Primers programme will include the following activities throughout your 2 to 3 years with us;

  • Our very own Bagpipe & Drum Band,
  • Boys Brigade Share-a-gift (Community service in December),
  • Primers Challenge Adventure Camp (4days, 3nights @ Malaysia) or other Adventure based activities,
  • Happy Children, Happy Future (Community Service),
  • NYAA Gold, President's Award & Anchor Award related activities,
  • Leadership positions & opportunities, & many more!

Follow us on Instagram:   @iteccprimers

CD LionHearters Club 

The Lionhearters Club is established to provide assistance for on-campus incidents and to promote Emergency Preparedness to the public.

Craft and Unfold 

This is a student-led club for self and others to identify, plan and achieve education and career goals. This is a support group for goal-getters (Visionary & Achiever).

The members of the club will be ambassadors/ advocators to promote Education & Career Guidance (ECG) services and spread ECG messages (to peers); be mentored by ECGCs on education and career related matters; manage ECG events/activities; conduct/ co-conduct ECG trainings/ talks; enjoy privileges (priority/ discount) for college workshops/ events/ activities/ learning journeys and assist in running the ECG Centre.

Event Management Club 

Established in 2013, the Event Management Club aims to develop values, character, skills and leadership through authentic events management and activities.

To provide a multitude of platforms for students to gain first-hand experience in conceptualizing, planning and executing events. To provide students with leadership opportunities to confidently create and plan engaging events for target groups.

Some of the signature internal events include a leadership programme known as EVM Gems, as well as a Youth Clash Tournament, bringing more than 160 students together for a day of bonding and fun. These events are held on an annual basis, providing leadership and volunteer management opportunities.

The Club also has a series of community events under the 'EVM Cares' section, where we provide volunteering activities for students to create and plan engaging activities for target groups. Some of the activities include sing-a-long sessions, games, arts and craft activities.
Through established partnerships, EVM Club also collaborates with valued industry partners in providing opportunities for students to gain experience and exposure to the event industry.

Follow us on Instagram:

Floristry Club 

To encourage and promote the art of flower arrangement among members as a hobby and as a form of relaxation. Members will be able to discover the exciting world of flower arrangements. Students will help to support college events by adding the finishing touch to any event venue and will be given the opportunity to work in 'Bouquet' at Epitome.

Students will learn the elements and principles of floral arrangement, usage of flowers and foliage, the mechanics of arranging flowers in vases, foams, baskets and the making of hand-held bouquets.


Foosball, also known as table soccer, is an awesome game of skill, speed, strategy and fun.

Follow us on Instagram: @iteccfoosball

Gavel Club
Gavel Club as part of Toastmasters International provides the Toastmasters experience to groups who may be ineligible for regular membership due to age.  Leveraging on the Toastmasters International Syllabus, new student members have to complete 10 projects under the “Competent Communicator Programme”, which focusses on the mastery of ice-breakers, crafting of speeches through research and organisation and delivering the speeches with the preparation of quality visuals, body language, powers of persuasion and inspiration to gain the audience’s approval and votes.

Gavel Club members will also undergo a customised 'Youth Leadership Programme' which aims to develop their skills in managing meetings i.e. preparing agendas, chairing meetings, coordinating discussions, resolving issues and coming to a consensus. The members will also be appointed as office bearers taking on different roles in running the day to day activities of the Club.

Follow us on Instagram: @ccgavelclub

Hobby Craft Club

If you enjoy spending leisure time creating niche crafts and special gifts for loved ones, come join the Hobby Craft Club! You will be taught skills and techniques in the creation of crafts. You will also assist to prepare fashion accessories for Epitome and charity sales. There will be opportunities to exercise your entrepreneurship skills in manning push-carts or booths.

Japanese Pop Culture Research Club 

The Japanese Pop Culture Research Club (JPCRC) offers you the chance to immerse yourself in Japanese culture! We have three divisions, focusing on different aspects of the culture: Culture, Cosplay and Manga. 

  • The Culture division focuses on almost any Japanese related topics you can think of, from food, to history, to even anime!
  • In the Cosplay division, you will learn how to do make-up, fix broken props and how to do adjustments to your cosplays.
  • The Manga division offers you the chance to learn about a myriad of styles and techniques, and basic knowledge to get you started on drawing!

Follow us on Instagram: @jpcrc2024

Library Club 

The Library Club at Library@Central provides an authentic learning environment to develop student-librarians to realise their potential by building on their interests and strengths. Students seeking to unleash their creativity will find helping out in the Library’s thematic display meaningful; those who are keen in events management will be able to hone their skills in running the Library’s programmes; and students who are more inclined towards working with their hands will delight in helping out in shelving and processing. There is something for everyone!

The varied duties available to a student-librarian allow each student to find his or her skill sets. The Library Club also trains student-librarians in information literacy, an important skill set which will benefit them throughout their lives. 

Follow us on Instagram:  @ite_librarycentral

Mechanical Keyboard 

The MK Club brings together like-minded hobbyists who have an interest in the building, modification and customization of mechanical keyboards. Members of the club will learn the fundamentals of mechanical keyboard construction including the PCB, keyboard case, mechanical key switches and keycaps using tools. (e.g. soldering kits, lubricant)

The MK Club aims to instill a spirit of exploration via tinkering, making and breaking apart things. Keyboards are inexpensive and familiar electronic devices to figure out how the mechanical and electrical components work together. Apart from hardware tinkering, members can also apply their creativity to create unique designs for mechanical keyboards. On the software programming side, mechanical keyboards can also be customized using scripts and macros.

The club also provides an avenue for members to meet and share news on mechanical keyboard product development.


Miniature Hobby Club 

The Miniature Hobby Club draws students' interest in Miniature craft and creates an interest group among students who are interested in Scale modelling and Miniature clay sculpting.

Radio Control Club 

The Radio Control Club develops responsible, caring and competent students through Motor Sport activities. Members are groomed to possess a sound understanding and deep appreciation of Motor Sports in a positive and holistic manner.

Follow us on Instagram: @ite_cc_rc


The SPARROW club provides learning and expression of values such as service, care, perseverance, resilience and respect among Sparrow CCA members, building well-rounded individuals and contributing effectively to society and the nation.

The club grooms students to develop personal qualities through NYAA Bronze across 3 criteria - service learning, outdoor appreciation and healthy living.


St. John Ambulance Brigade

ITE College Central St.John Ambulance Brigade will provide leadership training, First Aid and safety awareness programs and organise Adult First Aid course for the members. Members will be able to render first aid for injuries sustained at the workplace or at home. Students will be able to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and other emergency first aid measures in life-threatening situations. Our members were actively involved in the internal events in ITE campuses as well as external events.

The Sew'cial Club

The ‘Sew’cial Club (TSC), provides diverse extracurricular activities to nurture creativity, skills development, personal growth and teamwork among students. The club fosters a dynamic and inclusive community, equipping students with a platform for skill building to contribute to their respective schools and communities.

TSC will provide hands-on sewing and fashion design workshops, enabling students to learn and improve their hands on and designing skills.
TSC promotes awareness of sustainability through collaboration on projects that involve repurposing clothing and textiles.
TSC fosters a sense of community by bringing together students who share a passion for fashion and sewing, creating a supportive and inclusive environment.

Follow us on Instagram: @thesewcialclubitecc

Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Club 

Unmanned Aerial System, commonly known as 'Drone' - a vertical take-off aircraft remotely control by an operator on ground.

Our club provides training in the following:

  • Basic Drone operator Training
  • Video/photography using drones
  • Do-it-yourself (Build your own drone)
  • Drone maintenance and servicing 
Yoga Club 

The Yoga Club promotes positive mental and physical well-being of ITECC students. This mind-body activity is focused on mindfulness to improve their relationship within the school community, the students and the community-at-large. The Yoga Club provides an approachable indoor physical activity for students of varying fitness levels.

Follow us on Instagram: @iteccyogaclub


College Central CCA Badminton Club is for all full-time ITE students who possess a strong interest in the sport. Students with playing experience and display good commitment in training will be invited to represent College Central in ITESC Games, etc.


Feel the Passion, Love the Game!

ITECC Basketball CCA is looking for players who are willing to train both physically and mentally, and do their best for every training session and match.


Team Central Bowling Club is a CCA sport club set up to promote bowling as an amateur sport as well as recreational activity for ITE-CC full time students.

Boxing Club

We engage participants in boxing activities where the emphasis is on discipline and fitness. Participants will be taught basic boxing techniques and theories.

Follow us on Instagram:  @itecc.boxing

CC Cuesports (Billards)

The ITECC Cuesports CCA Club organizes mini-tournaments and represents the college in competitions. 

Follow us on Instagram: @cc_cuesports


Darts is more than just throwing soft darts at random numbers on the electronic dartboard. It is a target sport that requires your concentration, coordination, and mental sums. On top of that, it also promotes agility, strategic thinking, and teamwork.

Join us now and take your shot!


Support students' holistic education by providing them a platform and opportunity to: i) discover and develop their interest and talents while developing values and competencies such as discipline, teamwork and resilience that will prepare them for a rapidly changing world, ii) promote friendships among students from diverse backgrounds, and iii) foster social integration and deepen students' sense of belonging, commitment and sense of responsibility to school.

Fitness Club 

Weights Training, Fitness Training, 1st Aid Course, Fitness talks, workshops and seminars. Talks on Health & Nutrition. Fitness Competitions & Archery Tag Competitions.


I​​​TE College Central CCA Floorball Club is for full-time ITE students, who have prior playing experience and display strong commitment in training. Selected players are exposed to representation opportunities in the following highly regarded competitions:

  • Institute of Education Sports Council (ITESC) Games, and/or
  • Polytechnic-Institute of Education (POL-ITE) Games, and/or
  • Institute-Varsity-Polytechnic (IVP) Games

If you have what it takes and are hungry for growth, join ITECC Floorball.

Follow us on Instagram:   @iteccfloorball


Join the Handball Club and experience this awesome game! No experience in Handball? No worries, come join us to learn this new sport. Students with playing experience and who display good commitment in training will be invited to represent College Central in National Handball Leagues, POL-ITE Games, Invitational Handball Games, etc.

ITE Cycling@CC

We organize rides, workshops, tours and any bicycle related activities. Enjoy life on 2 wheels!

Karate Club 

Goju-Ryu Karate-do is a practice of the hard and gentle style of Karate-do; providing a well-balanced approach to the art of self-defense. It improves one's agility, flexibility, strength and co-ordination.


Come join the College Central Netball Club. We have a series of exciting activities for you. Students with playing experience, passion, commitment and who display good attitude will be invited to represent ITE in the ITESC, POL-ITE and other netball leagues conducted by Netball Singapore.

Girls Team only

Rock Climbing 

Physical training and bouldering activities are conducted twice weekly. Join us to build your self confidence in overcoming heights and meeting new challenges.


Skate Club 

Interested in learning to skateboard or rollerblade? The Club organises weekly training sessions for both beginners and advanced skaters to improve our skill level together. Skate outings are also organised on a regular basis.


Football 4 Fitness. We provide opportunities for members to develop and improve your Soccer Skills and realize your potential through our regular training programme. Through hard work, focus, discipline and teamwork, you will be able to perform to your highest level of performance in the sport of Soccer.


ITE College Central Swimming CCA combines intense training and having fun together with bonding activities.  Experience different ranges of exposure with various competitions and holiday training to participate in.

Follow us on Instagram:@iteccswimming


Tchoukball for Beginner and Advance Levels, we prepare students for POL-ITE Tournaments.

Track & Field

Through participation, we want to enhance our physical capabilities and inculcate values such as teamwork and instill discipline on and off the track. Promotes inter-racial harmony.

Ultimate Frisbee

Ever thought of trying out a unique co-ed team sport that is self-refereed? A fast paced, non-contact sport that is a mixture of all the greatest sports?

Look no further - join the Ultimate Frisbee team!  No experience? No worries. We got you covered. Get to meet new friends and join the latest sport craze!


We provide opportunities for members to develop and realize their Volleyball playing potential through hard work, focus, discipline and teamwork to their highest level of performance in the sport of Volleyball.


Practice the basic steps of wushu.
Build up self-confidence & self-discipline.
Improve one’s health as well as enhance physical qualities such as strength, agility and flexibility.