With strong support from industry partners, ITE’s internship programme provides our students with opportunities to learn in real work environments and helps them to better transit into the workplace after their graduation.

By participating in the internship programme, you can have access to a pool of career-ready ITE graduates, as well as develop your employees into competent in-house trainers.

Key Features

  • Duration of internship is between 10 to 20 weeks
  • Commences in January or July for Nitec courses and in April or October for Higher Nitec courses
  • Structured training based on agreed set of tasks with possible customisation on your organisation’s proprietary or specialised skills
  • An Internship Participation Agreement between the company and ITE
  • Company trainers will mentor and co-assess interns with support from ITE lecturers

Application Process

Do reach out to the internship coordinators from the relevant schools to register your interest.

For more details on the courses that may be relevant to the job role you are providing, please click here.

School College Internship Coordinator Email Address Contact No.
Business & Services Central Corrine Aw Corrine_X_M_Aw@ite.edu.sg 65805523
Business & Services East Denesh Thulasidharan Denesh_Thulasidharan@ite.edu.sg 63799723
Business & ServicesEastJoel ZhouJoel_f_zhou@ite.edu.sg63799943
Business & Services West Jane LiawJane_k_l_liaw@ite.edu.sg64111268
Design & Media Central Cheong Chee Meng, KenneCheong_Chee_Meng@ite.edu.sg65805275
Electronics & Info-comm Technology Central William C K SiewWilliam_Siew@ite.edu.sg65805396
Electronics & Info-comm Technology East Cheong Kit Hong Cheong_Kit_Hong@ite.edu.sg 65449520
Electronics & Info-comm Technology West Tham Wei Leng Tham_wei_leng@ite.edu.sg64641686
Engineering Central Darryl Gay Zheng Guangdarryl_z_g_gay@ite.edu.sg63317903
Engineering East Muhammad Nabil Jamilmuhammad_nabil_jamil@ite.edu.sg65449468
Engineering West Muhammad Taufiq Mohamed Dalimuhammad_taufiq_mohamed_dali@ite.edu.sg 64111614
Hospitality West Rajeev Saxena Rajeev_Saxena@ite.edu.sg 64111332

Applied & Health Sciences (Applied Food Science)

East Lee Lay See Lee_Lay_See@ite.edu.sg65449103

Applied & Health Sciences (Biotechnology)

East Anthea Chai Anthea_S_H_Chai@ite.edu.sg64329938

Applied & Health Sciences (Chemical Process Technology)

East Queek Lih Fern Queek_Lih_Fern@ite.edu.sg65449373

Applied & Health Sciences (Chemical Technology)

East Andrew Chong Andrew_G_L_Chong@ite.edu.sg65449172

Applied & Health Sciences (Community Care & Social Services)

East Chris Gomez Chris_Gomez@ite.edu.sg65449250

Applied & Health Sciences (Nursing)

East Christina Lam Christina_Lam@ite.edu.sg63799763

Applied & Health Sciences (Opticianry)

East Monica Lim    Monica_M_M_Lim@ite.edu.sg65449134

Applied & Health Sciences (Paramedic & Emergency Care)

East Yeo Chit Ming Yeo_Chit_Ming@ite.edu.sg63799754

For further queries on internship matters, you can reach out to the above Internship Coordinators.