ITE Endowment Fund

Your gift is much needed

ITE has an enrolment of 27,000 students and we take pride in equipping them for good jobs and career advancement, as well as opportunities for further education and training. More than half of our student population come from very low-income families and they need financial support for daily schooling expenses including transport and meals.  Often, these students undertake long hours of part-time work to make ends meet and this adversely affects their studies.  Singapore strives to be an inclusive society and we need to lend a helping hand to students from disadvantaged backgrounds, level up their playing field, and enable them to obtain a good education and achieve social mobility to realise their potential and aspirations. Your gift will go towards awarding bursaries to the most deserving students.

For more information, you may view this Endowment Fund Video

You may donate online or email the donation form to us. 

For enquiries, you may contact us at

Your gift is tax-deductible and matched by the Government

All donations to ITE are credited to the ITE Education Fund. An Institution of Public Character (IPC), the ITE Education Fund is governed by a Management Committee appointed by the ITE Board of Governors and authorised to issue tax-deductible receipts to donors. The prevailing guideline is 250% tax deduction for qualifying cash donations. Every dollar of your gift will also be matched by the Government to build up the ITE Endowment Fund.

KeppelKeppel Care Foundation's gift to ITE at the Keppel Corporation's 50th Anniversary celebration