Every year, we send close to 3,000 students abroad, across 25 countries, for short-term exposure. This is part of our aim to build ‘world-ready’ graduates. Such exposure can take the following forms:

Overseas Industrial Attachment Programme (OIAP), where our students are attached to companies for a short working stint in foreign countries. This helps them to appreciate working in different culture and environment, and enhance their readiness to work overseas upon graduation.


Overseas Student Exchange Programme (OSEP), where our students attend classes in overseas institutions and earn credits towards their certifications.


Overseas Service & Development Programme (OSDP), where our students undertake community service projects as part of being compassionate global citizens. Our students also take part in overseas competitions, seminars, conferences and leadership programmes to hone their skills, competencies and character.


In addition, we also welcome overseas students from our partner institutions for exchanges in ITE.  

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Exchanges Abroad

23 Oct 2023

8 Photos