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Course Duration

7 hours

Type of course

Short Courses

Campus where course is offered

ITE College Central

Want to learn more about after-life arrangements and grief support? Join our 1-day short course to explore feng shui in after-life matters and grief support through the arts. 

Fee for this course can be paid using SkillsFuture Credits. Visit for more information.

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*STEP will be used to administer all ITE Continuing Education & Training (CET) courses starting from 1 April 2024 onwards.  For first time users of STEP, please register and sign in here.

*STEP – Skills Training & Enhancement Portal, the new one-stop learning portal to manage all courses and learning needs across the 5 polytechnics and ITE.

What you'll learn


    - Feng shui in after-life matters

    - Grief support through the arts:

    • Understanding grief and loss
    • Basics of art therapy and its role in processing loss

    Entry Requirements