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3D Scan and Augmented Reality using Mobile Devices for Beginner

Duration: 7 hours

Course Type: Short Courses


  • CC

In this course, participants will be introduced to Augmented Reality (AR) and the different types of AR available. Learners will also learn to perform 3D scan on physical object using a technique called Photogrammetry on mobile device and import it into a augmented reality environment.

Active Agers - Fitness Fundamentals

Duration: 8 hours

Course Type: Short Courses


  • CC

Equip yourself with the essential knowledge for a healthier, stronger you! Dive into fundamental exercise concepts, master proper techniques, and experience targeted progressions. Join us for a well-rounded journey to cardiovascular health, muscular strength, and overall well-being!

Adobe Illustrator − Fundamentals

Duration: 12 hours

Course Type: Short Courses


  • CC

Do you want to create professional looking design for your publicity materials, posters, logos or enhance your presentation with your own design and artwork for work and for school? All these are possible by mastering the basic skills of Adobe Illustrator.

An Experiential Introduction to Art Therapy

Duration: 3 hours

Course Type: Short Courses


  • CC

Participants will gain a basic understanding of art therapy through an art experiential facilitated by an art therapist.

Art of Mobile Photography

Duration: 3 hours

Course Type: Short Courses


  • CC

Keen to acquire tips and tricks of taking brillant photos using your own mobile phone? Bring your own mobile phone with camera functions to this class and be awed by the photographs that you can take by the end of class.

Basic Cat Behaviour and Management

Duration: 8 hours

Course Type: Short Courses


  • CC

On completion of this theory-based course, learners will gain knowledge and develop the foundational skills to read and understand cat body language, communicate your intentions clearly and build a strong cat-human bond. You will also learn how to use positive and science-based methods to understand and manage your cat's behaviour in fearful, anxiety-inducing and stressful situations.

Basic Cat Grooming - Positive Methods

Duration: 8 hours

Course Type: Short Courses


  • CC

On completion of this theory-based course, learners will gain knowledge and develop the foundational skills to read and understand cat body language, and perform basic grooming for your cat. You will also learn how to use positive and science-based methods to condition positive emotional responses, desensitise and counter-condition negative emotional responses to manage your cat's behaviour in fearful, anxiety-inducing and stressful grooming situations.

Basic Dog Behaviour and Management

Duration: 8 hours

Course Type: Short Courses


  • CC

On completion of this theory-based course, participants will gain the knowledge and develop the foundational skills to read and understand dog body language, communicate your intentions clearly, and build a strong dog-human bond. You will also learn how to use positive and science-based methods to understand and manage your dog's behaviour in fearful, anxiety-inducing and stressful situations.

Basic Dog Grooming - Positive Methods

Duration: 8 hours

Course Type: Short Courses


  • CC

On completion of this theory-based course, participants will learn to read and understand dog body language, and develop the foundational skills to perform basic grooming for your dog. You will also learn how to use positive and science-based methods to condition positive emotional responses, desensitise, and counter-condition negative emotional responses to manage your dog's behaviour in fearful, anxiety-inducing and stressful grooming situations.

Basics of Smart Money Management

Duration: 4 hours

Course Type: Short Courses


  • CC

To be financially prepared for the future, it is ever more important for us to understand how to make smart decisions. Come join us in this financial literacy course to learn practical money management tips! This course also introduces the use of CPF digital and cashless payment services, raises awareness of scams and shares tips to avoid becoming a scam victim. Lastly, the course also highlights selected Government schemes that support retirement and healthcare needs.