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Course Duration

8 hours

Type of course

Short Courses

Campus where course is offered

ITE College Central

Equip yourself with the essential knowledge for a healthier, stronger you! Dive into fundamental exercise concepts, master proper techniques, and experience targeted progressions. Join us for a well-rounded journey to cardiovascular health, muscular strength, and overall well-being!

Fee for this course can be paid using SkillsFuture Credits. Visit for more information.

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*STEP will be used to administer all ITE Continuing Education & Training (CET) courses starting from 1 April 2024 onwards.  For first time users of STEP, please register and sign in here.

*STEP – Skills Training & Enhancement Portal, the new one-stop learning portal to manage all courses and learning needs across the 5 polytechnics and ITE.

What you'll learn

  • Basic components of fitness
  • Different types of exercise and training modalities
  • Basic exercise movements with correct technique (push/pull/squat/hinge)
  • Appropriate progressions of the exercises for beginners or those with injury
  • Cardiovascular exercises and heart rate monitoring
  • Endurance and muscular strength exercises focusing on the core, mobility, balance and flexibility


Entry Requirements

This course is suitable for Seniors who are healthy and cleared for exercise by doctor.

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