Factsheet - ITE Plays Host to Singapore-Shizuoka Agri-Food Forum 2022

News details
  • Publish date:10 Nov 2022

ITE will play host to the Singapore-Shizuoka Agri-Food Forum this year. The third since its inauguration in 2020, this forum is an effort by Shizuoka Prefecture, AgriOpen Innovation Institute (AOI) and Singapore's Institutes of Higher Learning which includes ITE, Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP), Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP), Republic Polytechnic (RP), Temasek Polytechnic (TP) and the Singapore Food Agency to bring together academia, researchers and agriculture companies from Singapore and Shizuoka for cross border exchanges and developmental updates in Agri-Food research, technologies and best practices.

About 200 participants are expected to attend the Forum that will be held at ITE College East on Thursday, 10 November 2022 at 9.00 am.

Guest-of-Honour, Dr Koh Poh Koon, Senior Minister of State for Sustainability and the Environment who will be speaking at the Forum as a panelist, will also officiate the launch of the Horticulture Technology Hub (HortITEch Hub) at ITE College East.

The event programme includes optional site tours to the Greenhouse @ RP and Innovation Farm Factory Innovation (I.F.F.I). Please refer to Annex A for information on keynote speakers and panel facilitator, and Annex B for factsheets on HortITEch Hub, the Greenhouse @ RP and I.F.F.I.


The Singapore-Shizuoka Agri-Food Forum arose from an MOU signed in 2019 between TP and Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan to collaborate in the areas of Agri-Food research and development, technologies and sharing of best practices for staff and capability building. The addition of ITE, NYP, NP and RP to the bilateral partnership in 2020 expanded the scope of the MOU to include student exchange and internships, and the organisation of an annual Agri-Food forum for researchers, academia, and companies from Singapore and Shizuoka.

The hosting of the annual Singapore-Shizuoka Agri-Food Forum alternates between Singapore and Shizuoka. The first forum hosted by Temasek Polytechnic in 2020 was held online. This year’s forum in Singapore is the first to be held physically since the COVID-19 pandemic.
