Press Release - Recognising Exceptional Achievements

News details
  • Publish date:17 May 2024

More than 400 students were celebrated at the annual ITE Student Achievers’ Awards Ceremony at ITE Headquarters today. These students were acknowledged for their well-rounded accomplishments and excellence in various fields including the arts, sports, co-curricular activities, and technological advancements.

Of 419 students, 50 of them received the prestigious Lee Kuan Yew (LKY) Awards – namely, the LKY Model Student/Trainee Award, the LKY Co-Curricular (CCA) Award, and the LKY Technology Award. A brief on the LKY Awards can be found in Annex A.

The remaining students received the ITE Arts Excellence Award, ITE Sports Excellence Award, ITE CCA Medal, ITE Student Commendation Award and Keppel Care Foundation Scholarship.

The award recipients have given their all, pouring in hard work, determination, and perseverance to earn this recognition. Each recipient has a unique story to share - whether it's about overcoming challenges, chasing their dreams, contributing to society, or simply striving to make a difference in the world. Every student award winner has attained success in their own distinctive way.

Inspiring Others Through Programming Education

Chng Hong Xiang Roy is one of nine students who won the LKY Model Student Award this year. The Higher Nitec in IT Applications Development graduate creates social media content to share his programming knowledge with others. His YouTube channel called TurbineThree has gained over 670,000 views so far, through over 30 videos. Roy’s passion for computers and technology started in secondary school where he learnt some programming skills as part of his Computer Applications subject. Winning the Bronze award at the 2020 Animation & Game Making Competition, by the Ministry of Education, spurred him on and led him to pursue his interest at ITE.

At ITE College Central, Roy took the initiative to pick up as much programming and coding knowledge as he could while training for WorldSkills Singapore 2023 and during his internship. In the process, he learnt to be resourceful and to work faster while under pressure. His zeal and outstanding work performance impressed his managers at his internship company, so they gave him the chance to lead a team to create a new application.

Roy sees his skill as an opportunity to help others. Hence, he helps his peers in their studies and hopes to reach out to more through social media content creation. He has also written articles on coding for freeCodeCamp, a US-based charity organisation. Roy is now pursuing the Diploma in Infocomm & Media Engineering course at Nanyang Polytechnic. He dreams of building a technology start-up in the future to work on meaningful ideas that can positively impact society.

Innovative Solution for Electrical Safety and Energy Efficiency

A team of ITE College West students created a device to detect and manage ghost currents while promoting energy conservation. Today, the device called Ghost Current HuntEr is deployed in over 20 computer laboratories in ITE College West.

The Ghost Current HuntEr project focuses on addressing safety and efficiency concerns related to ghost currents in electronic systems. These hidden electrical currents can cause power losses, equipment damage, and other hazards. The team of students aimed to create a reliable and affordable ghost current detection system that works with an Internet-of-Things (IoT) cloud platform for real-time monitoring and sends customisable email alerts to stakeholders promptly.

To enhance electrical safety and encourage energy efficiency, the team developed an advanced ghost current detector for various environments. The solution includes precise current sensors, IoT integration for data transmission, and an email notification system for quick alerts. It offers benefits like real-time monitoring, cost savings, and improved safety.

For their innovative project, the team is one of ten group winners of the LKY Technology Award this year.

Profiles and Winning Projects

Profiles of the LKY Model Student/Trainee Award and CCA Award winners can be found in Annex B. Details of the LKY Technology Award winning projects can be found in Annex C.

Annex A


Lee Kuan Yew Model Student/Trainee Award (9 Students, 1 Trainee)

The Lee Kuan Yew Model Student/Trainee Award is presented to students and trainees who have performed consistently well in their courses and have displayed outstanding conduct and attitude worthy of emulation by their peers. The Award serves to inspire students and trainees to display exemplary behaviour in training, develop high moral values and show care and concern for others.

Lee Kuan Yew CCA Award (3 Students)

The Lee Kuan Yew CCA Award is presented to students who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and organisational skills, and have contributed significantly to the improvement and enhancement of campus life. The Award also serves to give recognition to students who have contributed and achieved excellence in sports, games and the arts.

Lee Kuan Yew Technology Award (10 Teams)

The Lee Kuan Yew Technology Award is presented to students who have developed excellent projects that embody quality, technical innovation and creativity. The projects are also expected to have industry applications. The Award serves to inspire students to develop a zeal for challenges, creativity and competition.

Annex B


Name:             Safa'Syaurah Binte Sharil
:            Nitec in Business Services (Traineeship)
:           ITE College Central

Finding her Light

Syaurah’s family has been plagued by financial challenges since she was young. These took a toll on her, causing her to isolate herself and skip classes in secondary school. With time, however, she recognised the need for change to build a better future for herself.

Syaurah chose to enrol in the Nitec in Business Services under Traineeship, as it allows her to earn a salary and be more financially independent. She also believed that a business course could open up more career options across different industries.

For her traineeship, Syaurah was employed by Indigo Education Group as a customer service executive. She flourished in the role, which involved attending to queries at tuition centres. Through her strong communication and interpersonal skills, she established herself as a valued team member who excelled at fostering positive relationships with customers.

From the Heart

“Switching between work and study was very tiring. Furthermore, my rest days were on weekdays and I had to work on weekends. It was hard for me to meet my friends or spend time with my family. I had to learn to manage my time well. To do so, I would plan a daily schedule of the things I needed to do. Amid the tough moments, I am thankful to have my lecturer Ms Sabrina Ng. She made classes enjoyable and felt like a mother figure in school. I could share my personal challenges with her, and she would be there to offer valuable advice.”

Life after ITE

Syaurah is currently pursuing the Diploma in Industrial and Operations Management course at Republic Polytechnic. She plans to keep upgrading herself and attain a degree in the future.

Top Achievements

  • Syaurah received commendation from her traineeship company, for exhibiting strong work ethics and competence in her job performance.
  • Her quick-learning ability led her to be entrusted with supporting key functions that extended beyond customer service, such as finance and marketing.
  • Syaurah led her classmates in organising an outreach event at an eldercare centre, where they engaged seniors through activities such as games and singing.
  • Diligent and self-motivated, she achieved a GPA score of 3.617.



Name:             Colleen Pee     
Course:           Higher Nitec in Sport Management
:           ITE College Central

Striking Success

Colleen developed an interest in bowling, at the age of seven. She was inspired to try the sport after seeing her sister, who was the captain of a school bowling team training. Colleen started by honing her skills on her primary school’s bowling team. She then transitioned to competitive play, and eventually established herself as a key member of the national bowling team.

Despite the demands of her sporting pursuits, Colleen remained committed to her studies and sought to make a difference at ITE. As a leader in ITE College Central’s Bowling Club, she would actively mentor and share advice with her peers. Through her ties with the Singapore Bowling Federation (SBF), Colleen also secured an opportunity for her classmates to gain work experience at the Singapore Bowling International Open.

From the Heart

“When I started my Higher Nitec course, I found time management to be a challenge. I would have classes throughout the day, followed by training at night. My day would start early in the morning, and end late at night after I have finished my schoolwork. I am grateful to have supportive and understanding lecturers at ITE, who made sure that I could keep up with my studies. My class advisor even took time to check through my schoolwork over a Zoom meeting beyond school hours, while I was overseas for a competition. Managing studies and sports may be challenging, but I believe in pushing on no matter how difficult things get. With faith and perseverance, there is no limit to what we can do.”

Life after ITE

Colleen is pursuing the Diploma in Business course by Republic Polytechnic, which is customised for student athletes and conducted at the Singapore Sports School.

Top Achievements

  • Colleen was honoured as the Youth Bowler of the Year by the Singapore Bowling Federation in April 2024.
  • She clinched four Gold medals for Singapore at the 2022 International Bowling Federation (IBF) Under-21 World Championships, which included Gold medals in the women’s singles and team events.
  • For her feat, she was honoured with the Sportsgirl of the Year award and Sportsgirl Team of the Year award in 2023.
  • Through her demonstration of all-round excellence and good conduct, Colleen won the Rotary–ITE Student Excellence Award in 2023.
  • She received the ITE Service Star Gold Award, in recognition of her extensive service contributions.



Name:             Kalyisah Adlina Binte Mohammad
:           Higher Nitec in Human Resource & Administration
:           ITE College East

Beacon of Stewardship

Kalyisah describes herself as a people person. She enjoys interacting with others and thrives in social situations. Recognising her leadership potential and strong interpersonal skills, Kalyisah’s Class Advisor encouraged her to switch from her dance CCA to Student Council. The move paid off as Kalyisah was able to showcase her innate ability to guide and inspire her peers. Her adeptness in connecting with people earned her respect, culminating in her appointment as the Deputy President (Internal Affairs) of the Student Council.

Overseeing some 150 members in organising events within the College, Kalyisah balanced the demands of her CCA with academic excellence. A naturally poised and confident speaker, Kalyisah represented her College in several engagement sessions with political office holders. With a heart of gold, she also served the community actively by distributing care packages, cleaning homes and befriending students with special needs. 

From the Heart

“The most challenging yet enriching event I handled was our College’s graduation ceremony. I had to deploy close to 200 members in various roles, covering crowd management, registration and ushering. There were so many last-minute changes but we managed to pull it off. Now that’s what I call - Teamwork makes the Dream Work!”

Life after ITE

Kalyisah is currently pursuing the Diploma in Business course at Temasek Polytechnic. A budding entrepreneur, she is at the final stages of launching an online clothing business. In the future, she plans to work in the field of either Human Resource or Marketing.

Top Achievements

  • Kalyisah achieved a perfect GPA score of 4.0 at graduation. She was on the Director’s List in all terms in 2022 and 2023.  
  • She received the EAGLES Award 2023, testament to her all-round accomplishments in leadership and service.
  • For her service contributions to her College, she was conferred the ITE Service Star (Diamond) Award 2023.
  • She completed the ITE-Credit Suisse Mentoring Programme 2023 under the ACE programme.
  • For the Walk for Rice+@South East charity initiative, Kalyisah and her team walked 13,969 km around campus, translating the distance covered into vital food support for 46 needy families. For every 300 metres of walking recorded, FairPrice Foundation donated one bowl of white rice, one bowl of brown rice and one bowl of oatmeal to a vulnerable family residing in the South East District.



Name:             Er Zhi Xuan Shanice     
Course:           Nitec in Mechatronics & Robotics
:           ITE College West

Leading in Service and Innovation

In secondary school, Shanice aspired to volunteer but could not due to heavy sports commitments. Upon entering ITE, Shanice immediately prioritised Student Volunteer Corps as her choice of CCA. Engaging in various community service initiatives, Shanice experienced profound fulfillment in assisting those in need. Recognising her fervour for service and outstanding leadership capabilities, Shanice was appointed as the Club’s President.

Among Shanice’s most cherished memories are the monthly birthday celebrations held for seniors at Fei Yue Centre. Through engaging games and activities, Shanice and her team brought cheer to the elderly, fostering meaningful intergenerational connections.

Apart from community service, Shanice held various roles in other CCAs. As Deputy President of the Entrepreneurship Club, she demonstrated innovation by launching a successful beeswax candle business. In her role as Vice President of the ACE Club, Shanice represented ITE in dialogues and events with political figures, displaying exceptional eloquence and maturity.

From the Heart

“Embarking on new ventures can be daunting, just like when I sold candles. Yet such uncomfortable situations can be opportunities for breakthroughs and successes. We may fail in the process but also learn and grow from mistakes.”

Life after ITE

Shanice is pursuing the Diploma in Arts Business Management course at Ngee Ann Polytechnic. She has plans to further her studies and be an entrepreneur in future.

Top Achievements

  • Pitching beeswax candles as a business concept, Shanice led a team to clinch first place and win the Best Presenter Award at ITE College West’s Student Enterprise Challenge 2023. The cash prize of $1,000 was used to start the business, resulting in $900 in profit.
  • Building on the same business idea, Shanice led her team to finish second in her College’s West Star Light – Social Media Influencer Competition 2023.
  • At the World Engineers Summit 2023, Shanice and her team presented the Nutrient Film Technique on an indoor vertical hydroponic system. They achieved the Sustainability Award (student category) under the IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Awards.
  • For her outstanding service contributions, Shanice received the 21st Century Service Star Awards in 2022 and 2023.
  • For her excellent academic performance and conduct, Shanice attained GIC Sparks Grant 2022, Edusave Character Award (2022 & 2023), Edusave EAGLES Award (2022 & 2023), and Edusave Merit Bursary Award (2022 & 2023).
  • Hardworking and motivated, Shanice achieved a GPA of 3.885 at graduation. She was also on Director’s List in three consecutive terms in 2022 and 2023.



Name:              Chng Hong Xiang Roy
            Higher Nitec in IT Applications Development
ITE College Central

A Heart for Technology

Roy Chng’s passion for computers and technology started in secondary school where he learnt some programming as part of his Computer Applications subject. Winning the Bronze award at the 2020 Animation & Game Making Competition, by the Ministry of Education, spurred him on and led him to pursue his interest at ITE.

Here, Roy took the initiative to pick up as much programming and coding knowledge as he could while training for WorldSkills Singapore 2023 and during his internship. In the process, he learnt to be resourceful and to work faster while under pressure. His zeal and outstanding work performance impressed his managers at his internship company, they gave him the chance to lead a team to create a new application.

With the skills he picked up, Roy saw an opportunity to use it to help others. Aside from helping his peers in their studies, Roy started his own YouTube channel as a side project to share his programming knowledge. He has also written articles on coding for freeCodeCamp, a US-based charity organisation. Roy certainly embodies the ITE care spirit in using skills to help others.

From the Heart

I’ve always liked technology and I want to be good at it. I don’t want to be average in the things I do. So, when I want to do something, I spend a lot of time doing it and make sure I do my best.

Life after ITE

Roy is pursuing the Diploma in Infocomm & Media Engineering course at Nanyang Polytechnic and hopes to take up a Computer Science or Engineering degree thereafter. He dreams of building a technology start-up in the future to work on meaningful ideas that can positively impact society.

Top Achievements

  • Despite juggling studies, CCA activities and WorldSkills training, Roy performed outstandingly, maintaining a perfect GPA of 4.0, and was offered the accelerated programme for his three-year Higher Nitec course.
  • He was also ever ready to help classmates in need. His positivity and good attitude made him well-liked by his peers and lecturers.
  • Roy took part in WorldSkills Singapore 2023. He had to do a lot of self-research as part of his training and is very happy he achieved the Silver Medal.
  • Roy started TurbineThree, his YouTube channel, in October 2022. He learnt to script and edit videos and found ways to make his content interesting. His channel has over 6000 subscribers and thousands have found his programming tutorials useful and informative.
  • He is also a member of ITE College Central’s ACE programme, an EXCO member in the IT Applications Development Club, as well as a Student Councillor. His active CCA participation has helped him learnt what it takes to be a good leader and enabled him to do more to serve the community.



Name:              Shing Foo Chuan Zheng
            Nitec in Aerospace Avionics
ITE College Central

Flying High

Since young, Shing has been fascinated by how airplanes work. Hence, it is no surprise that he has his heart set on a career in the aerospace industry. He enrolled in a private aviation programme while in secondary school to learn more about the industry, which put him in good stead when he entered ITE in 2022.

At ITE, the self-confessed secondary school rebel found himself enjoying school. Lessons were interesting and were keyed towards helping him achieve his dreams. More importantly, he found ample opportunities to excel at ITE – attaining a leadership role in Student Council, taking part in and winning competitions, mentoring his peers, and more.

Having found the space to explore his interests, Shing, together with a few classmates, came up with an award-winning prototype fire-prevention device for batteries. Despite a packed schedule, Shing made time to give back to society by participating in several community events and is ever willing to lend a hand to his classmates. In giving his all in everything he does, Shing is truly a role model for his peers. 

From the Heart

Never in my life has two years passed by so eventfully, in a good way. I would say my two years at ITE are the best years of my school experience!

Life after ITE

Shing is currently awaiting enlistment for National Service. He has expressed interest in the Work-Study Diploma in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering with the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF). Shing dreams of being a pilot and hopes the RSAF will offer him that position.

Top Achievements

  • Shing developed an Internet-of-Things powered battery monitoring solution with his team mates. His project won several awards and accolades including the Lee Kuan Yew Technology Award 2023, Samsung’s Solve for Tomorrow 2022, SG Tech’s TechBlazer Award 2023 – Bronze, and 1st Place at the 8th International Convention on Vocational Student’s Innovation Project 2023 that was held in Thailand.
  • In addition to these awards, Shing also won the Service Star Award (Diamond Category) in 2023 for leading his team in the development of the device.
  • As the Student Council’s Deputy General Secretary and member of the ACE Programme, Shing picked up leadership skills through the Singapore Business Federation Foundation Leadership Programme and Mission X Leadership Programme. He then honed those skills by leading in several student events.



Name:              Sujaysharan Devakumar
Course:            Higher Nitec in Financial Services
:           ITE College Central

Investing in ITE

At a crossroad following his GCE N-Level examinations, Sujaysharan opted to enrol at ITE to pursue his passion for Finance-related work, instead of advancing to take the GCE O-Level examination. Viewing it as a strategic investment, he reasoned that completing the two-year programme at ITE would equip him with an industry-relevant skill set and valuable experience, thereby enhancing his career prospects and increasing his opportunities for further education.

Throughout his time at ITE, Sujay capitalised on every opportunity with unwavering enthusiasm. He notably served as the President of the College’s Investment Club. He actively participated in the esteemed IFAST Mentorship Programme, where he honed his skills in Financial Planning. He proudly represented ITE to at the launch event of the inaugural Singapore Young Leaders Programme, where Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong officiated. With a circle of supportive family, friends and dedicated lecturers, Sujay thrives as an inspiration for his peers. As he sets his sights on the future, Sujay remains committed to achieve his dream of becoming an investment banker with JPMorgan.

From the Heart

“My life mantra is simple: Be the best I can be and strive for excellence, not perfection. For the pursuit of excellence is a journey while the pursuit of perfection leads to a dead-end. And I want to keep on learning from life experiences as I work towards my dreams.”

Life after ITE

  • Sujay has successfully secured an Early Admissions Exercise placement in Banking and Finance at Ngee Ann Polytechnic. He is one step closer to realising his dream to pursue a career with JP Morgan.

Top Achievements

  • Sujay was part of his College’s ACE programme, a talent development programme for academic achievers. His stellar academic performance earned him a place on the School’s Director’s List for 2022 and 2023.
  • For his outstanding service contributions, he received the ITE Service Star Gold Award in 2022.
  • He also participated in the GEP trip to Germany for a two-week learning exchange, during which he had the opportunity to undertake a study trip to a local bank for a day. The experience was an eye-opener for him as he learned about the different modus operandi of banks outside Singapore.
  • He participated in various inter-college and national competitions such as the FinLit Challenge 2022 by Citi-SMU Financial Literacy Programme, CGS-CIMB ASEAN Investment Challenge 2023, and NES Connect 2023 Entrepreneurship Competition. Notably, his team won the Tableau Tech Prize for their presentation during the Digitalisation Challenge 2022.



Name:              Filbert Ho Jian Hao
            Nitec in Logistics Services
ITE College East

Leadership in Motion

Throughout his tenure as President of Student Ambassadors at ITE College East, Filbert demonstrated remarkable leadership by organising numerous co-curricular events and activities while managing his studies. Despite facing challenges such as time constraints and stage fright during emceeing duties, his unwavering determination transformed each obstacle into an opportunity for personal growth and character building.

During his internship at SFS Global Logistics, despite being new to cold chain management in the pharmaceutical sector, Filbert led a team to address a workplace challenge. His innovative solution not only secured victory in the Supply Chain++ 2023 competition but also exemplified his relentless drive for success, setting a remarkable example for all. Recognising the stable job prospects and versatile skill set crucial for various sectors in the movement of goods and services, Filbert has chosen to pursue a career in the logistics industry, drawn by its potential for substantial career growth and opportunities.

From the Heart

“Participating in events and activities that honed my leadership abilities and joining competitions motivated me to consistently push my boundaries and challenge myself. The enriching experiences at ITE continue to inspire me each day, fueling my drive for excellence as I move forward into the next chapter of my academic journey in ITE’s Work-Study Diploma.”

Life after ITE

Filbert secured a position at Microsoft Operations Pte Ltd and is currently pursuing the Work-Study Diploma in Logistics & Supply Chain Management course at ITE College East. He hopes to progress to university and continue working in the logistics sector.

Top Achievements

  • Filbert and his team clinched the championship title in the Supply Chain Challenge++ 2023 competition. His team also received an award for their contributions to the Sembang Ilmu (Plus+) project held by the Malay Heritage Foundation to facilitate meaningful discussion of the socio-cultural development of Singapore amongst youths.
  • As Student Ambassadors’ President, Filbert organised impactful activities benefitting both local communities and the student body, and represented ITE at several key events, such as the Singapore Perspective 2022, Forward Singapore – Empower Pillar Engagement Session 2022, and Inter-University Environmental Conference 2022.
  • For his outstanding academic performance and exemplary conduct, Filbert received the Edusave Character Award 2022, EAGLES Award 2022, ITE Service Star Diamond Award 2023, Rotary-ITE Student Excellence Award 2023, and ITE Community Scholarship (2022 & 2023). He was also on the Director’s List in 2022 and 2023.



Name:              Yap Ee Shen
            Higher Nitec in Electrical Engineering
ITE College East 

Unleashing Potential

Yap Ee Shen exemplifies the qualities of a model student through his strong principles, resilience, and strategic approach to learning. He demonstrates courage and initiative by standing up for what is right and taking proactive steps to achieve his goals. Despite facing academic challenges in the past, he has worked hard to excel, earning a perfect GPA in ITE. His forward-thinking approach led him to decide to pursue practical skills at ITE before progressing to a polytechnic, showcasing his ability to think critically and plan for the future.

Ee Shen's exceptional qualities extend beyond the academics. He actively seeks knowledge and experience beyond the classroom, leveraging platforms like LinkedIn to build a strong network. Because of his compassionate nature, he is able to provide constructive feedback and support his peers. Most importantly, he values failure as a learning experience, accelerating his growth and development. These qualities make Ee Shen a model student, inspiring others to adopt his proactive, resilient, and strategic approach to learning and personal growth.

Furthermore, driven by his passion for innovation in engineering, Ee Shen aspires to become a Software Engineer to create a better quality of life for others. During his internship, he applied his knowledge effectively and created an inventory system using OutSystems. This project exemplifies Ee Shen's dedication to practical application and his commitment to making a positive impact through technology.

From the Heart

“ITE offers students with all the opportunities to further their studies and upgrade themselves. It all comes down to the individual to make use of the opportunity. Do not feel discouraged, think of ITE as “It’s To Excel” and stay determined to have the mindset to do well.”

Life after ITE

Ee Shen is currently pursuing the Diploma in Computer Engineering course at Singapore Polytechnic.

Top Achievements

  • As a finalist in the 2022 Digitalisation Challenge, Ee Shen spearheaded an RPA initiative within his team, utilizing Qlik for data analytics to extract insights from web-scraped data. Exposure to industry mentorships reinforced his appreciation for automation and data analytics.
  • Ee Shen demonstrates qualities of effective leadership through his ability to inspire others, make decisive decisions, and execute tasks independently. His passion for engineering led to him being honored with the Service Star GOLD in 2022 and the Service Star DIAMOND in 2023 for significant contributions and achievements.
  • With accolades such as winning GOLD in the Assistive Technology Makeathon 2022 and placing third in the ITE-Outsystems Coding4All competition, Ee Shen showcased his expertise and shared knowledge with peers. He received recognition through the EE Excellence Awards and earned the EE Model Student award.
  • During Ee Shen’s internship at Sembcorp, he not only fulfilled duties in the electrical maintenance department but also developed an inventory system using Outsystems, demonstrating proficiency in applying classroom knowledge in practical industry settings.



Name:              Gwendolyn Marie Tan Kay Shuen
            Nitec in Urban Greenery & Landscape
ITE College East

Letting Nature Run Its Course

Moving from an all-girls’ school to a co-educational environment and pursuing a course that was not her first choice, Gwendolyn entered ITE feeling uncertain, worried that she would not fit in. However, she quickly realised that her worries were unfounded as she was able to adapt to school life very quickly with the help of supportive classmates and encouraging lecturers.

Gwendolyn excelled academically and actively engaged in competitions and projects to expand her knowledge and improve her skills. Her enthusiasm for her field grew, especially during her internship at the National Parks Board, where she learned about the importance of preserving green spaces in Singapore. Her overseas industrial attachment at City Parklands in Brisbane, Australia, further exposed her to the environmental sector.

As a Green Ambassador for the school community and her class, Gwendolyn spearheaded sustainability initiatives, arranged guided tours, and facilitated learning experiences for visitors, ITE staff and students. Gwendolyn also went the extra mile by learning sign language to communicate with and support a classmate with speech difficulties. She is truly exceptional.

From the Heart

“ITE is a school of opportunities. My two years at ITE have been an incredible journey, during which numerous doors have opened for me. I have not only acquired knowledge but also developed special skillsets and forged lasting friendships with amazing peers and lecturers whom I will cherish for life. I am eager to apply what I have learned at ITE wherever life may lead me. Thank you, ITE!”

Life after ITE

Gwendolyn is pursuing the Diploma in Biotechnology course at Republic Polytechnic. She hopes to pursue a career as an arborist in future.

Top Achievements

  • Gwendolyn achieved a perfect GPA of 4.0 and received several awards for her outstanding performance and conduct, including the MOE Edusave Character Award 2022, EAGLES 2023, ITE Green Ambassador Award 2023, ITE Service Star Diamond Award 2023, and ITE Community Scholarship (2022 & 2023). She was also on the Director’s List Award in 2022 and 2023.
  • Gwendolyn and her team won the Landscape Design Challenge held during the Singapore Garden Festival 2022. They impressed judges with the ingenious use and integration of sustainable waste as the centrepiece in their landscape design.
  • Another notable project she coordinated was the “Little Green Dot” programme with partner Green Sprouts, which teaches children how to turn used beverage cartons into practical stationery.



Name:              Ho Si Hui Roxanne
            Nitec in Business Services
ITE College West

Beyond Brilliance

Roxanne is an exemplary student known for her academic excellence and active participation in two CCAs at ITE College West. She has leadership roles in both CCAs - President of the Aikido Club and Welfare Exco Leader of the ACE Club. Despite a demanding schedule, she achieved a perfect GPA score.   

She used to struggle in school but managed to overcome her obstacles and excel. Now, she uses her experience to guide academically weaker peers and readily assists others in need. With a strong sense of helpfulness and compassion, she lends a hand not just to students in ITE but also participates actively in community service activities. Committed to social responsibility, she volunteered as an art exhibition guide at Taman Jurong Community Centre and is a regular volunteer at the Methodist Welfare Society Nursing Home. Her contribution extends to overseas for Youth Expedition Project in Thailand.

From the Heart

“A significant turning point for me was the chance to participate in the 2023 YEP trip to Thailand, specifically Chang Mai. This project not only provided me with a platform to demonstrate my leadership and communication abilities but also imparted valuable lessons in resilience, adaptability, and teamwork!”

Life after ITE

Roxanne is currently pursuing the Diploma in Human Resource Management with Psychology course at Republic Polytechnic. 

Top Achievements

  • Roxanne was the President of ITE College West’s Aikido Club. She took charge of the Aikido Club’s activities during the CCA Fair and represented the Club in the CCA Leadership Camp.
  • As the Welfare Exco President, she had the opportunity to emcee the SG Perspective Dialogue which Ms Indranee Rajah, Minister, Prime Minister's Office, Second Minister for Finance and Second Minister for National Development, attended.
  • Roxanne was awarded with the Edusave Good Leadership and Service Award.
  • With the passion to lend a helping hand and willingness to contribute to fellow students, to campus and the community, she earned the Service Star Gold Award.



Name:             Guo Jin Qi, Lewis
:           Higher Nitec in Hospitality Operations
:           ITE College West

Thriving through Challenges with Resilience

Despite growing up in a single-parent household with financial constraints, Lewis has shown unwavering determination. Working part-time since the age of 14, he has been supporting himself through his studies, clocking up to 16 hours every weekend and full days during holidays. Currently, he is a Work-Study Diploma trainee, where he earns a regular salary, so he can pay for household bills too.

Remarkably, Lewis remained one of the top-scoring students in his class. His commitment extends beyond academics, as seen in his active involvement in social responsibility and community development. From volunteering to organising charity events and mentoring peers, he exemplifies empathy and proactive leadership. Lewis's resilience in overcoming challenges inspires others. The Lee Kuan Yew Model Student Award celebrates his character, leadership, and dedication to personal and societal growth.

From the Heart

“My path has not been easy. There was a time when I stayed in a rented room with my father, because we had to sell our flat. But things have improved, and we now have our own place to call our home. Through the fully sponsored Work-Study Diploma, I can help pay for the household while building up savings for my future. Throughout my journey, my single motivation is to change the situation for my family, and I believe I can do so. My dream is to run my own business in the hospitality industry in future.”

-        Guo Jin Qi, Lewis

Life after ITE

Lewis is pursuing the Work-Study Diploma in Hotel and Restaurant Management at ITE College West. He is a trainee with Millenium Group.

Top Achievements

  • Lewis won the Merit Award in the Student Enterprise Challenge in 2023.
  • He earned the Best Presenter Award at the ITE Innovation and Enterprise Day 2023.
  • He served as the Chairman for his team’s projects at the Student Entrepreneurship Challenge 2023 and the ITE Innovation & Enterprise Day 2023, showcasing his leadership skills.
  • Lewis actively supported his peers in their training for the WorldSkills Singapore Competition 2023, by assisting them in their training as receptionists.
  • He was engaged in various community service initiatives with organisations including People’s Association and Lions Befrienders.  
  • Lewis was the valedictorian for the School of Hospitality’s Higher Nitec Graduation Ceremony.



Name:             Lya Nadya Tay Binte Alwee Tay
:            Higher Nitec in Data Engineering
:           ITE College West

Steering Towards a New Direction

Lya grew up in a family of nurses and has always wanted to work in the healthcare sector. When she faced setbacks in enrolling into a nursing course at the diploma level, her parents advised her to take up the data engineering course at ITE instead. They felt that this would cement a secure career for her. This choice was pivotal.

After her studies in ITE and an internship at the Ministry of Health, Lya learned more about herself and realised that she could better contribute to healthcare through her skills in data engineering. Lya stands out for her positive attitude, and commitment to excellence. Her strong sense of responsibility means that she approaches every task with dedication. She does not shy away from challenges but thrives on pushing boundaries to excel.

With a passion for learning, Lya actively participated in various projects and CCAs including the Gavel Club and the Library Club, displaying a genuine desire to expand her knowledge and skills while making a positive impact on those around her. Lya’s dedication to continuous improvement, positive impact, and excellence exemplifies the best of student leadership.

From the Heart

“At first, I was disappointed that I could not secure a spot in a nursing course at the polytechnics. However, through the projects and CCA in ITE, I have grown in confidence and maturity. I now have better clarity on where I want to head. Instead of being a nurse, I can use my strengths and skills in data engineering and give back to the community through the healthcare industry. I hope to work in the government sector in data systems management in future.”

-        Lya Nadya Tay Binte Alwee Tay            

Life after ITE

Lya is currently pursuing the Diploma in Applied AI & Analytics course at Nanyang Polytechnic.

Top Achievements

  • Lya achieved a perfect GPA score of 4.0 and was on Director’s List for two terms.
  • She served as ITE College West’s Gavel Club Treasurer in 2022 and was both the President and Treasurer in 2023.
  • She and her team were the Champions in the ITE Digitalisation and Sustainability Challenge 2023.
  • Lya contributed to the Entrepreneurship Project 2023 by designing pots, selecting plants, pitching for funding, and participating in sales, leading to the selection of the business idea for further pitching at the College.
  • She played a key role in the ACE Club Blog Project 2023 by creating and designing the website and conducting an online survey.
  • Lya achieved the 4PM Bestari Outstanding Student Award 2023.