Speech - Address by Ms Low Khah Gek CEO ITE at 2024 ITE Graduation Ceremony at Tay Eng Soon Convention Centre ITE HQ on 29 July 2024 3pm

News details
  • Publish date:29 Jul 2024

Dr Maliki Osman, Second Minister for Education 

Mr Andrew Chong, Chairman, ITE

Members of the ITE Board of Governors

Distinguished Guests, Industry Partners

Graduands, Parents

ITE Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen

Today, we celebrate the graduation and achievements of 11,964 students and adult learners from ITE’s Full-time, Part-time, Traineeship and Work-Study programmes for Academic Year 2023/2024. While most of the graduands are receiving their Nitec and Higher Nitec certification, 526 graduands are receiving their diploma (65 Technical Diploma and 461 Work-Study Diploma). 

To all our graduands. Our warmest Congratulations!

Graduands, your achievements are both the result of your own hard work and perseverance, as well as the dedication of your lecturers and the support of your family members. I invite everyone to express our congratulations to your family members as well as our appreciation to the ITE lecturers.

Different Journeys of Success

Each graduand’s journey in ITE is different. I wish to share the journey of 5 graduands to reflect their struggles and triumph over their past set-backs, the choices they made and their determination to build a brighter future for themselves.

  1. Ivan Sombrado Chiang Ee Onn. Ivan has spina bifida and needs a wheelchair to get around the campus. Ivan has a passion for 2D/3D animation and motion graphics. After completing his N Levels at Spectra Secondary School, Ivan enrolled in Nitec in Digital Animation in 2020, excelled and progressed to Higher Nitec in Motion Graphics in April 2022. Ivan graduated in March this year and is currently enrolled in the Communication & Motion Design Diploma course at Nanyang Polytechnic. Ivan does not dwell on shortcomings and setbacks but stays focused on his strengths and creating new possibilities. We can all take a leaf from his indomitable spirit.


  2. Noor Rahim B Sulaiman.  Noor Rahim is a single father with three school-going children. He was previously an immigration officer at ICA. At age 39, he decided to switch career and in January 2022, he enrolled in Nitec in Nursing. He was sponsored by the Singapore General Hospital to pursue this career conversion programme. As a mature student, Rahim faced unique challenges like having parenting responsibilities and being less IT savvy compared to his much younger peers. Nevertheless, Rahim was self-disciplined, had great time-management skills and prioritisation ability. He managed the demanding schedule of classes, assignments, exams, and clinical rotations alongside his family commitments and duties. He excelled in the hospital attachments and was recognised for his exceptional qualities as a caring nurse and team player. Rahim went beyond his academic training and was also actively involved in CCAs. He was President of the Sand Animation Club at ITE College East. His natural artistic talent and dedication were pivotal in creating storyboards for most of the club’s video productions. Rahim has graduated from the Nitec in Nursing course and will be pursuing a Diploma in Nursing. We are impressed by Rahim’s ability to multi-task, and juggle many demands and responsibilities, and yet enjoying himself as he pursues his goals and dreams.


  3. Teow Chin Boon. Chin Boon is another mature graduand, at age 52. Chin Boon started work after completing his O Levels equivalent qualification. He worked in the PC support sector for some years and then worked as a church staff for almost two decades. In 2021, Chin Boon decided to re-enter the ICT industry. He was acutely aware of the need to acquire industry-relevant skills. He decided to enrol in ITE’s CET Nitec in Technology – Infocomm Technology course. Pursuing work and part-time studies is both physically and mentally draining. Chin Boon spent weekends revising his notes and learning from the internet and videos. He would proactively seek his lecturers and his CET classmates for advice and help. Chin Boon acknowledged that he was able to complete the course because of the love of his family and the support from his course-mates and helpful lecturers. He also deployed self-motivation and self-reward such as a good meal after overcoming every significant challenge. Chin Boon has graduated from the CET Nitec in Technology – Infocomm Technology course with a perfect GPA of 4! Chin Boon exemplifies the spirit of lifelong learning and the pursuit of skills upgrading while working. For these, Chin Boon will be receiving the e2i Gold Medal.


  4. Teow Zhi Yuan.  Zhi Yuan’s journey is unusual. He started with a Nitec in Western Culinary Arts in 2016 and then went on to do his National Service before enrolling in the Technical Diploma in Culinary Arts in 2021. Zhi Yuan completed two internship stints at two of Singapore's Michelin-starred restaurants - six months at 3-Michelin stars Odette and three months at 1-Michelin star Zen.  In Apr 2024, he won the Champion title at the Young Talent Escoffier Competition and will represent Singapore in the Asian selection event in 2025. Zhi Yuan has graduated as the top graduate in his course. We are impressed by Zhi Yuan’s drive to pursue culinary excellence and we are confident he would bring ITE’s and Singapore’s reputation to the world stage.


  5. Tan Meng Li. After graduating from Higher Nitec in Event Management in March 2020, Meng Li was keen to both work and pursue a diploma. She was hired by Right-Space Pte Ltd who sponsored her for the WSDip in Event Management. Her job role is Project Executive and upon graduating from the WSDip, she has been assigned to a larger role in the Business Development Department. Her supervisor, James Lim said, “While Meng Li initially did not possess an extensive skillset, she was committed to learning and improving and was always ready to take on new tasks. She has good potential to take on higher level jobs and make greater contributions to the company.”  Meng Li is currently pursuing a part-time degree in Event Management with Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS), while working at Right-Space Pte Ltd.


I believe all 11,964 graduands can relate in one way or another to the five stories I have shared. You have made different choices, taken different pathways and made different journeys. Today, we celebrate your resilience, determination, and unwavering commitment to learning and creating a better future for yourself.

Graduands, the ITE staff and I are privileged to be able to work alongside you, guide you, support you and cheer you in your journey in ITE. Today, we are exceedingly proud of you. We are very pleased to celebrate your achievements with you and your family. We are confident that beyond ITE, you will continue to learn, thrive and succeed.

Once again, our congratulations on your current achievements. We wish you more success and achievements in the years ahead!

Thank you.