The Joint Intake Exercise 'H' (JIE 'H') caters to the direct entry of eligible GCE N(A) holders into full-time 2-year Higher Nitec courses, under the Direct Entry Scheme to Polytechnic Programme (DPP). JIE 'H' is held in December each year,
after the release of the GCE 'N' Level results. Successful applicants will commence their training in January.
Only Sec 4N(A) students of the preceding cohort, i.e. only scores received by Sec 4N(A) students at the GCE 'N' Level examinations in 2024 will be considered for application to the DPP 2025 intake.
Admission to the courses is based on merit and choice.
Eligible GCE N(A) applicants can apply for both 2-year Higher Nitec courses under JIE 'H', and Nitec / 3-year Higher Nitec courses under JIE 'N'. An applicant who is successful for a 2-year Higher Nitec course
under JIE 'H' will not be offered a Nitec or 3-year Higher Nitec course under JIE 'N', regardless of whether the course offer for JIE 'H' is accepted or not.
For information on Application Process, Course Acceptance and Registration at Colleges, click on the relevant links below.
You may also refer to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for information on admissions under JIEH. If you need help with your application, please call or email to any of the Customer & Visitor Centres at ITE Colleges during
office hours.