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Course Duration

12 hours

Type of course


Campus where course is offered

ITE College West

Course Certification


This course will teach you the basics of managing inventory, building customer loyalty, meeting sales targets, and running a retail store. You will learn to use data from customer relationship management (CRM) systems to plan promotions and understand what customers like to buy. By the end of the course, you will be ready to handle both customer service and behind-the-scenes operations, helping your store grow and succeed.

What you'll learn

• Customer Relationship Management – metrics and ethics
• Future of CRM
• Data Analytics
• Data Collection and Cleaning
• Fostering Customer Loyalty
• Eliciting Feedback – Mindful Listening

Entry Requirements

Participants should possess
• 18 years old and above
• At least GCE N Level, NTC2 / Nitec, WPLN level 4 in English & Mathematics or equivalent 

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