To apply for the Technical Engineer Diploma (TED) in Automotive Engineering course, you need to be a Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident with the following ITE qualifications:
Grade Point Average (GPA)
- Higher Nitec in Aerospace Engineering
- Higher Nitec in Automotive Engineering
- Higher Nitec in Mechanical Engineering
- Higher Nitec in Mechatronics Engineering
- Higher Nitec in Rapid Transit Engineering
- Higher Nitec in Robotics & Smart Systems
GPA 2.0 & above
- Nitec in Aerospace Avionics
- Nitec in Aerospace Technology
- Nitec in Automotive Technology
- Nitec in Automotive Technology (Heavy Vehicles)
- Nitec in Automotive Technology (Light Vehicles)
- Nitec in Mechanical Technology
- Nitec in Mechatronics (Automation Technology)
- Nitec in Mechatronics (Equipment Assembly)
- Nitec in Mechatronics (Medical Technology)
- Nitec in Mechatronics & Robotics
- Nitec in Mechatronics
- Nitec in Rapid Transit Technology
GPA 3.0 & above |
Applicants with qualifications not listed above can be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Applicants with at least 1 year of work experience in automotive after-sales can be considered for admission if they meet the following academic requirements:
- Relevant ITE CET Higher Nitec in Technology (GPA of 2.0 and above)
- Relevant ITE CET Nitec in Technology (GPA of 3.0 and above)
- Relevant Workforce Skills Qualification (WSQ) diplomas and Level 6 WSQ Workplace Literacy and Workplace Numeracy
Click here to view the list of relevant CET qualifications and Workforce Skills Qualification (WSQ) diplomas.
Working adults with at least 2 years of relevant work
experience can be considered for admission.
Shortlisted applicants must attend an interview and pass an aptitude test, and be free from colour appreciation deficiency for admission.
students will be required to purchase a laptop which will cost about $900 -
$1,900 for the 2-year course. This is in addition to the course fees. Financial
assistance is available for eligible students under the ITE Opportunity Fund
subject to terms and conditions. View details on financial assistance.