Speech - Address by Ms Low Khah Gek, CEO, ITE, at the ITE Student Achievers’ Awards 2024 Presentation Ceremony, on Fri 17 May 2024, at 1000 Hours, at the Auditorium, Tay Eng Soon Convention Centre, ITE Headquarters

News details
  • Publish date:17 May 2024

Ms Ivana Chua, Managing Director, Corporate Communications, Keppel Limited

Award Recipients and Parents

ITE Colleagues and Students

Ladies and Gentlemen


We are gathered here this morning to celebrate the holistic achievements of 419 ITE students who have demonstrated excellence in their Co-Curricular Activities, Arts, Sports, and application of technology innovations.

In ITE, we are committed to fostering a dynamic campus environment that offers our students abundant avenues to explore their interests, embrace challenges, and be actively engaged in addressing real-world community issues.

Today's recipients shine not just for their accomplishments within academic settings, but also for their achievements beyond the confines of the classroom. It is notable that they also have outstanding character traits: resilience, innovation, steadfastness, and empathy. With these qualities, they are poised to make significant strides in their lives and leave a lasting impact on others. Let me illustrate with the stories of two of our awardees today.

Guo Jinqi, Lewis – ITE College West (LKY Model Student Award)

Lewis pursued Higher Nitec in Hospitality Operations in ITE College West. Lewis has always been interested in hospitality since young and hopes to be a successful entrepreneur in the hospitality industry in future. Lewis’ passion is evident and he consistently excelled in his course. Lewis was a natural leader who took time and effort to mentor and motivate his peers. He was noted for the strong support he gave to his fellow trainees when they were training for 2023 WorldSkills Singapore Competition. Lewis has a flair in communication and was awarded the Best Presenter at the 2023 ITE Innovation and Enterprise Day.

Growing up in a single-parent household, Lewis has been working part-time for the past few years to supplement the family income. He would clock in for work after his lessons on weekdays and on weekends. Lewis is determined to overcome his current challenges and build a better future for himself and his family. Lewis who has demonstrated grit and resilience. Angela Duckworth, a psychologist wrote the New York Times bestseller book titled ‘Grit’ and described grit as “having an ultimate concern – a goal you care about so much that it organises and gives meaning to almost everything you do.” Lewis stays focused on his goal of ‘building a better future’ and remains steadfast to that goal. His grit enables him to succeed. He is clearly deserving of the LKY Model Student Award. Lewis has embarked on the Work-Study Diploma in Hotel and Restaurant Management and I am confident he will continue to thrive and excel.

Colleen Pee – ITE College Central (LKY CCA Award)

Colleen pursued Higher Nitec in Sport Management at College Central. If you have been keeping up with the sports scene in Singapore, you would know that Colleen won four Gold medals for Singapore at the 2022 International Bowling Federation U21 World Championships in Sweden and in the 2023 Asian Youth Tenpin Bowling Championship, she and her team won a Gold medal. Colleen was honoured with the Sportsgirl of the Year award and together with her bowling team-mates, they were named the Sportsgirl Team of the Year.

In the midst of her training and achievements in various international competitions, Colleen has stayed committed to her studies. She would attend classes from morning till late afternoon and then continue her training sessions at night. On most nights, she even continued her schoolwork after her training has ended. When she was overseas three to four times a year for competitions, her Class Advisor would schedule Zoom meetings to help her catch up with her coursework. With much determination and discipline, Colleen successfully juggled her dual role as an athlete and a student. ITE is immensely proud of Colleen and today, we recognise her with two awards - LKY CCA Award and ITE Sports Excellence Award. We will continue to cheer Colleen on in her future pursuits and we hope Colleen will win an Olympics Gold medal for Singapore one day!


‘Valorisation of Food Waste’ – ITE College East (LKY Technology Award)

In ITE, we encourage our students to come up with innovative technological solutions that can help to improve the lives of others. This year, all 10 winning teams of the LKY Technology Award have applied what they have learnt in their respective courses and gone beyond to experiment and explore new possibilities to develop innovative solutions. Among these are the inventions from College Central Teams ‘IntelliSight’ and ‘Voice Vista Glass’ to support the visually impaired and hearing impaired respectively.

The judges were particularly impressed by the ‘Valorisation of Food Waste’ Team from College East. The team had formulated and produced a facial cleanser, called ‘EcoGlow’, from food waste. Not only is ‘EcoGlow’ cost effective and commercially viable, the team has re-purposed food waste to make it and effectively expressed the sustainability message of ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’.  The team applied not only their Chemical Technology knowledge and skills but acquired new skills like product design and marketing. They were passionate and convincing. One member did a live demonstration of how the ‘EcoGlow’ facial cleanser had helped him to deal with his oily skin condition. Please have a look at this facial cleanser, ‘Ecoglow’ as well as all the other exhibits of the LKY Technology Award winners at the Foyer later.

Keppel Care Foundation Scholarship

Keppel Care Foundation Scholarship is a set of special awards sponsored by Keppel Care Foundation.  Today, we will be presenting thrree of these scholarships. The three recipients have demonstrated excellence in their studies (top 10% in the course) and are from financially challenging backgrounds. The scholarships will enable them to realise their potential.  



I would like to extend my heartiest congratulations to all 419 award recipients!  I'm certain your families, gathered here today, are bursting with pride for your accomplishments. Please do express your gratitude to them, as well as to your ITE lecturers for their unwavering support and belief in you.

I have every confidence that you will continue to overcome challenges and excel and make profound contributions both in your future careers and to the community in Singapore. I wish you all the very best.

Thank you.