This course equips trainees with the skills, knowledge and professional attributes to apply concepts of professionalism in the delivery of care to the patients. Trainees will also apply principles of safe drug administration, key concepts of clinical reasoning, critical thinking and problem-solving skills in making decision to formulate holistic nursing care plans.
- Able to work as an integral part of the healthcare team
- Able to assess, plan, implement and evaluate nursing care for patients, in partnership with the family, significant others and the community to achieve the most optimal care outcomes
- Good communication skills to interact with patients and to better anticipate their needs and requests
- Attentiveness to safety & hygiene
- Mental agility in dealing with non-routine schedules
- Able to work long hours and under time constraints
Job Role:
A Registered Nurse is one who is responsible for providing nursing care and management to patients.
He / She is also responsible for providing supervision, guidance and direction to junior nurses and nursing students to ensure that optimal care is provided to meet the desired positive patient outcomes and experiences.
He/ She operates in a wide variety of settings such as acute care, primary care, community hospitals, integrated care and long-term care facilities.
Training pattern:
Block Release - Trainees attend daily lessons at ITE for a continuous period for each term (6 months) and then resume the next block of OJT at the workplace.
Click here for Course Module Details
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