*STEP will be used to administer all ITE Continuing Education & Training (CET) courses starting from 1 April 2024 onwards.

For first time users of STEP, please register and sign in here.

For company sponsorship, you will need Corppass to log in to STEP Company Portal. Find out here how companies can be onboarded to STEP.

*STEP – Skills Training & Enhancement Portal, the new one-stop learning portal to manage all courses and learning needs across the 5 polytechnics and ITE.

Applied Health Science

Acquire the knowledge and skills needed for dementia care and be equipped to assist in therapies, provide support in palliative care, and be introduced to smart urban solutions and assistive technologies.


CourseDateFull FeeFee
(SC 40 years & Above)*
Administering Intramuscular Injections

8 Aug 


9am - 5pm


Administration of Medication with Tech-Enablement for Enrolled Nurses

18 Jul - 5 Sep


8 to 4pm

[Registration closed]

Caregiver Coaching

26 Jul


9am to 5pm

[Registration closed]


6 Sep


9am to 5pm

Conducting Health Education for the Incontinent Client

7 Aug


9am to 5pm


9 Sep


9am to 5pm


Performing Diabetic Foot Screening and Education on Diabetic Foot Care

19 Jul


9am to 5pm

[Registration closed]


22 Aug


9am to 5pm

Performing Wound Dressing for Non Complicated Chronic Wounds

15 - 16 Aug

(Thu - Fri)

9am to 5pm


* SC refers to Singapore Citizens; PR refers to Permanent Resident

All the above courses are SkillsFuture approved. Singaporeans aged 25 years and above can make use of their SkillsFuture Credits to pay fees. Visit www.skillsfuture.gov.sg/credit for more information.

For enquiries, please contact STS1@ite.edu.sg or 1800 2222 111