Creating an Interactive Augmented Reality Experience


Unleash your creativity and learn how to design exciting augmented reality experiences. By the end of the course, you will learn how to integrate audio, video and animations to create unique and interactive AR projects for game design, digital media, or to just explore the possibilities of this exciting technology to create your own immersive AR experiences!


Related ITE Course: Higher Nitec in Visual Effects, Higher Nitec in Motion Graphics, Nitec in Digital Animation


At the end of the module, students will be able to:

  • Create the design concept for an augmented reality scene.
  • Create an AR scene based on the 2D design and animation.
  • Explain AR usage in different industry sectors and application tools.
  • Identify the techniques that helps to generate ideas for 3D solutions in AR applications.
  • Create 3D assets in the AR world and integrate them into the real world environment.