Interactive ElectronicsThis course introduces learners to gain a basic understanding of the design of the microcontroller used in digital gadgets and introduces them to the Arduino software. Arduino programming is innovative, user-friendly, easy to understand, and a great way to start learning more about electronics. Through this module, student will be trained in basic Arduino software and C++ coding language skills.Related ITE Course: Higher Nitec in Electronics Engineering (3-year)
At the end of the module, students will be able to:Learn basic electronics measurement, digital logic concepts and programming that includes sequence, loops, conditional and logical operators.Develop computational thinking skills – decomposition, programming pattern and algorithm design.Assemble and programme an electronic car to navigate obstacles.
S/N Module Outline 1Safety & HousekeepingState the dangers involving electrical work and the safety rules and regulations.State the uses of various hand tools.List the important points of housekeeping.Practice work safety and housekeeping 2Electronic ComponentsIdentify the various electronic symbols and state their basic functions in a DC circuitIdentify the electronic symbols of the various Input/Output (I/O) devices and state their basic functions in a DC circuitConnect an electronic circuit on a breadboard. 3Hardware InterfaceState the functions of the input and output pins of the microcontroller.State the electrical specifications of the input and output pins of the microcontroller.Connect electronic circuit board to the microcontroller board. 4Microcontroller programmingState the functions of the various programming operatorsState the various I/O pin configurations of a microcontroller.State the functions of conditional and loop controls.Program and test a microcontroller.Modify the microcontroller program.