Everyone Can Code with SpheroInterested to learn coding but not confident because of its technicality? Fret no more. Designed for people with little or zero knowledge in coding, this course aims to impart basic programming skills through fun-filled experiential activities using robotic balls and tablets. Students will learn to write programming codes and develop problem-solving skills as they work in groups to complete tasks such as navigating a robotic ball in a maze.Related ITE Courses: Higher Nitec in IT Applications Development, Higher Nitec in IT Systems & Networks
At the end of the module, students will be able to:Write programming codes to move and control the robotic ball.Debug and test codes.Learn to optimise solution to solve challenging tasks.
S/N Module Outline 1Create program logicExplain the different types of operations (Sequential; Selection; Iterative).Explain the pseudo code for the different types of logical operations (Sequential; Selection; Iterative).Write pseudo code correctly according to specifications. 2Write program codesApply and explain the following programming techniques/concepts correctly - Variables; Operators; Conditional; Loops.Write program code correctly using the correct types of logic and conditions according to specifications.Verify that the program is written in accordance with specifications. 3Test program codesDescribe the various types of errors- Syntax; Logic errors.Run the program according to specifications.