Mobile App ProgrammingDesigned for those who are fascinated by the mobile world, this course provides students with the opportunity to display their creativity in the planning and developing of mobile game apps, and to appreciate the behind-the-scene work for every successful application published. Besides setting up a mobile app game development environment and plotting game summary through storyboarding technique, students will develop mobile game apps on StencylArcade and OS environment, perform game testing on mobile devices and publish their apps to the software market.Related ITE Course: Higher Nitec in Electronics Engineering (3-year)
At the end of the module, students will be able to:Setup a 3rd party mobile apps/games development environmentDevelop mobile apps/games using 3rd party mobile framework platformTest the mobile apps/games on mobile devicesPublish the mobile apps/games onto the App Stores
S/N Module Outline 1Introduction to mobile apps framework platform and SDKsDescribe the basic architecture of a 3rd party mobile apps framework.List the various types of 3rd party mobile apps framework currently available.Identify the specific uses of these 3rd party mobile apps framework.Perform step-by-step installation of the SDK.Perform basic functionalities of the SDK and explore the workspace.Plotting of game summary and flow through storyboarding techniqueExplain the technique of storyboarding.Describe the design process storyboardingList the tools available for storyboardingPerform game storyboarding using manual techniques and simple software tools 2Role of ActorsDefine the role of actors in a game.State the elements of an actor.List the various input behavior controls used to control actorsExplain the different reaction groups that actors are able to respond to.Create and customize actor animations, motions and physics in the SDK environment.Test input controls on IDE or test device for game actors.Create and customize actor collision groups and test for collision response. 3Create and customize scene parameters Describe each scene basics namely tiles, layers, coordinates and boundariesExplain the behavioral control of the camera viewDescribe the features of Heads Up Display (HUD) within the game.Create tile sets, regions and backgrounds to be used within a mobile game.Create and integrate HUD to be used within a mobile game.Implement sound effects within a mobile game to enhance game play experience.Implement change of scene and transitions to be used within a mobile game. 4Adding actor, scene behaviors and defining game attributesExplain the definition of game behaviors.Explain the usage of events within a behavior.Identify the differences between an actor and a scene behavior.Explain the usage of attributes and game attributes within a behavior.Attach pre-shipped and downloaded behaviors to actors and scenes.Configure actor and scene behaviors.Implement different, customized behaviors using events as snippets of logic building blocks.Observe the resulting reaction of the different, customized behaviors. 5Game testing and publishing on different mobile OS platformsState the different modes of game testing.State the different methods of uploading the mobile game application into the software market of respective mobile OS platforms.Test developed games on simulators provided by the SDK.Test developed games on devices running supported mobile OS.Configure game settings of SDK for publishing of game app. Publish game apps into software market supported by respective mobile OS platforms.