IoT ApplicationsInternet of Things (IoT) is expanding at a rapid pace and currently being deployed in many industries such as healthcare, transport and retail, often using smart network sensors to gather information for monitoring and control purposes. This module provides students with the exposure to the IoT concept including ways on how all components are being connected, communicated and displayed at the cloud dashboard. Through a hands-on project, they will design their own rules engine to process the received sensor data and trigger events accordingly to their needs.Related ITE Courses: Higher Nitec in Electronics Engineering
At the end of the module, students will be able to:Practise work safety and housekeeping.Interpret IoT sensor technical specification.Connect sensors to IoT controller board.Write code for data sending to online cloud, data visualisation and data notification whenever the pre-defined situation has reached.
S/N Module Outline 1Safety & HousekeepingState the safety requirement of electronics lab.State the uses of various hand tools.State the important points of housekeeping.Practice work safety and housekeeping 2IoT Components - State the definition of: SensorActuatorIoT controllerWireless transceiverCloud servicesData visualisation Notification services 3IoT Hardware Integration & Controller InterfaceState the functions of the input and output pins of the IoT controller.State the purpose of the IoT hardwares used.Connect the IoT hardwares to the IoT controller. 4IoT Controller ProgrammingExplain the structure of a programming statement.State the various I/O pin configurations of an IoT controller.State the functions of conditional and loop controls.Program the controller and sensors for below functions.a) Read the sensor value.b) Send the sensor data to cloud.c) Show visualisation of the sensor datad) Create alert for pre-defined event.Deploy the microcontroller program for new IoT applications scenario.