Cruising into Maritime Industry

Over the years, Singapore has been recognised as an important global trade hub with its strategic location.  Singapore has witnessed developments in the 4 key sector – Seafaring, Port, Shipping and Maritime Services within the maritime industry. In this module, students will gain deeper knowledge of these sectors as they are introduced to the multiple gateways Singapore maritime industry and learn about vessels, oceans, major seas and waterways in the world. In addition, they will have the opportunity to discover a myriad of exciting careers within these sectors such as ship captain, stowage planner, ship broker and shipping financier.

Related ITE Course: Higher Nitec in Maritime Business

At the end of the module, students will be able to:


  1. grasp basic concepts unique to the maritime industry in Singapore:
    • Students will be able to Identify and locate the continents of the world, locate the oceans and major seas on the world map.
    • How vessels are measured and quantity of cargo carried on board different vessels.
    • The range of terminal, ports and wharf side operations with the loading and unloading of cargo.
    • Students will learn on the organisation structure of the sea based careers with the 2 departments on board a vessel (Deck and Engine departments)
  2. understand and know the various job opportunities in the Maritime sector
  3. have an appreciation of the important role the maritime sector plays in Singapore’s economy